Summary: act II, scene ii

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Summary: Act II, scene ii
The bitter and wicked Don John has learned of the upcoming marriage of Claudio and Hero, and he wishes that he could find a way to prevent it. Don John's servant Borachio devises a plan. Borachio is currently the lover of one of Hero's serving women, Margaret. He suggests that Don John go to Claudio and Don Pedro and tell them that Hero is not a virgin but a whore, a woman who has willingly corrupted her own innocence before her marriage and at the same time chosen to be unfaithful to the man she loves. In order to prove this accusation, Don John will bring Don Pedro and Claudio below the window of Hero's room on the night before the wedding, where they should hide and watch. On the balcony outside Hero's room, Borachio will make love to Margaret—whom he will have convinced to dress up in Hero's clothing. The watchers will then see a woman who resembles Hero making love with Borachio, and will thus believe Don John's claim that Hero has been false to Claudio. Very pleased with the plan, Don John promises Borachio a large reward if he can pull it off and prevent the planned wedding.

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