~ Kim Taehyung ~

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The weekend finally rolled around and you found yourself with a much needed day off. School had been exhausting recently and all you wanted to do was free your mind for a while. You weren't complaining about the learning process though, you actually really liked to learn new things, but the pressure to maintain high grades and get along with your peers was just too high. 

Thinking about how to spend your precious day off, you decided to visit one of your favorite art museums in the city. 

You dressed yourself up in casual clothes and made your way into the city, right to the door of the grand museum. Posters lined the entrance, advertising the latest exhibition on display - a collection of Van Gogh's greatest works. You really appreciated Van Gogh's style, but you decided to pass by Matisse, Renoir, and Dali's exhibitions first since they were likely to be less crowded than the main exposition. Art was a big part of your life and these artists were incomparable in talent.

You were so lost in the impressionist movement emerging around the walls that you narrowly avoided colliding head-on with a red-haired stranger.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." You apologetically turned to face the man. However, you spun around to meet one of the most beautiful faces you had ever encountered in your lifetime.

"Don't worry about it, I get lost in the art sometimes too," the stranger said and immediately you wanted to melt into a puddle at the sound of his deep voice.

"Yeah, and it's funny because I've already seen these before, let's hope I don't hurt anybody when I visit the Van Gogh exhibition." You giggle nervously and try to gather your bearings and leave the man in a somewhat graceful manner when he calls out to you.

"Hey! Why don't we go together? I haven't seen it either. Come on, it'll be fun." The handsome stranger offered to go with you to the second floor to see the masterpieces and you almost died on the spot.

"Sure," you smiled nervously and took the escalators up to the next level accompanied by the man.

"My name's Y/n by the way, what's yours?" You introduce yourself politely as you reach the next floor.

"People call me V." 

You considered it and found that it suited him - minimalistic but powerful, like a celebrity's name.

You reached the exhibition and walked around browsing along with V as you both stopped and stared at all the masterpieces. However, when it came time to see Starry Night, you couldn't help but feel disappointed - it was so much smaller than you expected.

V noticed your frown and asked, "Something wrong?"

"No... I mean... it's beautiful, but I thought there would be more to it you know? I feel like the sky is such a big expanse, and this canvas is just a bit bigger than a piece of paper. It doesn't quite represent the enormity of the universe. It was just bigger in my imagination." You explain and V seemed to think about your words a bit before responding.

"Yeah, I get it, this is one of the most famous paintings in the world. It's so talked about and scrutinized that you made it this big imposing thing in your head."

"Exactly," you breathe out, happy that someone actually understood you.

"You know... I think I know an artist you'd probably like." V grabbed your arm and lead you towards another hall close by.

Before entering the respective section, V covered your eyes.

"Hold on, it has to be a surprise."

You giggled and waited as he lead you into the hall. He slowly but surely positioned you right where he deemed fit and uncovered your eyes.

"Ok, now open your eyes," he said.

You do as your told and slowly open your eyes to meet with a mixture of different colors merging onto a canvas. What stood out the most were all the different hues of purples and blues surrounding the wall.

"This is a Monet," he explains,  "I've always admired his style - as you can see he liked to think big."

You chuckled as you heard V's comment, but the artwork was truly amazing. The painting took up a whole wall and made you feel small. All the water lilies seemed to blend together and intertwine while keeping their own autonomy at the same time. It was breathtakingly spectacular how a human mind envisioned this scene and was able to represent it in such natural a natural way.

"You're right, I love it." You grinned at V only to see him smiling right back at you.

"I'm glad you think so, your lack of facial expression had me worried for a minute."

You giggle, "That's my inner art critic coming out," you say and continue to look around at Monet's artistry.

"I'm so glad I came here today and that you showed me something this."

V flashed you a wink that was cut short by a sudden phone call.

"Excuse me Y/n, I need to take this - it's work."

You nodded and made your way through more incredible paintings.

Up in your la-la land, you barely noticed when V reentered the room with a tired smile on his face.

"Hey, you ok?"

"Um... yeah. It was just my manager telling me to not take too long, I have to be somewhere in a bit."

"Oh, that's too bad, I was having fun with you."

"I know, me too," he says, "I could basically live in this museum, and you're pretty fun to be around yourself."

You feel your face start to heat up and prepare to say goodbye to V.

"Well thanks for showing me Monet, I didn't know what I was missing out on."

"No problem, I'm glad he gained another admirer."

"Well... have a nice day then, and thanks again."

"Bye Y/n."

With that, you both parted ways. You were happy to have met such a smart man at the museum today. You spent a little more time exploring the exhibits and decided to get home once the sun started to set.

You got home, grabbed a snack and plopped yourself directly in front of the TV screen. You were channel surfing and suddenly stopped when you saw a familiar red-haired man appear right before your eyes.

"Well damn, I had no idea he was famous." You mumble to yourself while continuing to stare at the screen. You find out that V was actually an international superstar touring the world with his group. No wonder he was so smart and stylish. It's so funny what can happen in the course of just one day. You met a celebrity without realizing and even learned something new from him. 

Just One Day (A Series of BTS One-Shots)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora