Morning After

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I wake up to the sight of Chris laying beside me. He looks so beautiful when he's asleep. Trying not to wake him, I get up and walk towards my bathroom. I turn the shower on and get in.

In the middle of my shower, Chris pulls the curtain open. I jumped, scared as hell. He looked at me and then hopped in the shower. We started to kiss as he pushed me into the wall, aggressively. I was so horny, and I wanted him so bad.
"Turn around" he commanded and I did as he said.
He shoved his dick in my pussy. I heard him groan. He kept going back and forth shoving the whole thing inside of me.
"Fuck, Chris" I moaned as he kept doing his thing.
"You're so wet" he whispered in my ear.
He did this for about 10 minutes then pulled out.
"Where's your washcloth?" he asked me as I turned back around facing him. I handed him my orange wash cloth and he squirted some body wash in it.
Gently, he began to wash my body.

I turned the water off and got out the shower with Chris behind me. I can't get enough of him. I turn around and begin to kiss him more. His lips are so pink and soft.
He stops and says "Don't you have to get ready?"
"Yes" I say going towards my closet.
"I'll meet you downstairs. Hurry up" he says, and walks out my door. I watch him as he walks down the hallway into my moms room.

Sitting inside my closet, trying to decide what to wear, the thoughts of last night come to my head. I can't believe I had sex with him. What will happen now with him and my mom? I know for sure that I won't tell her, and I hope he doesn't plan on doing it neither. I push the thoughts to the back of my head and get up to get my clothes. I put on some high waisted pants, a black long sleeved crop top, and my gold metal 7s.

Walking downstairs, Chris was waiting at the door as usual with a Starbucks cup in his hand.
"Caramel Mocha, extra whipped cream. Is that okay?" he asked with a smirk on my face.
"How did you know?" I asked curiously.
"Don't worry about all that" Chris said as he closed and locked the front door.

The ride to school was silent for a while until Chris began to talk.
"Did you like it?" he asked, keeping his eyes on the road.
"It was alright" I said, jokingly.
"I think I'm hooked" he said glancing at me.
I didn't say anything back. I just looked at him. I'm wondering how everything will be once my mom gets back.

Chris breaks the silence by asking me "How do you get to lunch without your car, now?"
"Someone drives me" I say as I get my book bag out of the backseat
"A boy, huh?" Chris asks
"Why does it matter?" I spat back.
"I don't wanna be sharing you Dylan." he said glancing at me.
"There is no sharing. You're with my mom. Me and you aren't together. I can do what I want" I say looking towards him.
"Your lunch starts at 11:30? Be here on time Dylan, I'm not playing" he says to me as I begin to get out the car.

Is he kidding? I'm not his fucking girlfriend. How can he tell me what to do?
I begin to walk though the school doors. I haven't told my friends about Chris yet. Not even about the almost kissing accident. I don't know if I should.
I put the thoughts of Chris behind my head. I'm tired of thinking about him.

I walk towards August as he's talking to his friends and I tap him.
"Wassup?" he says as he turns around
"Nothing. I'm sorry I didn't text back last night. Long day."
"It's cool. You coming over today for the research project?" he ask me.
"I'll see if my moms fiancée can drop me off. My car broke down the other day, and my mom is out of town, so he's my transportation" I lied
"If it's a problem, I can pick you up"
"I'll let you know. But I'll see you in class" I said as I walked away.

As soon as I get outside, Chris is there waiting on me. I walk towards the car and get in.
"What you wanna eat?" Chris ask as he turns off the radio.
"Why are you even picking me up for lunch?" I ask looking out the window.
"Is In and Out okay?" he ask, avoiding the question.
I sit there quietly.
"Answer me Dylan" he commands
"You don't answer my question, so I won't answer yours"
"I can't spend time with you now?" he ask driving out the school parking lot.
"I just thought that we would go back to being silent afterwards. I didn't think you would be all on my ass" I said glancing at him.
He remained quiet the whole drive to In and Out.

While Chris placed our order, I decided to find a seat. I sat there sipping on my drink while he came towards the table.
"I don't want you to go back to school. Spend the day with me." he said, placing the tray on the table.
"I can't just skip school to hang out with you" I say. I look up from the table to see him staring at me. He looks sad.
"Besides, don't you have to go back to work?"
"I took off today and tomorrow to be with you" he pauses. "before your mom gets back and everything goes back to normal"
A silence filled the air for a brief second.
"I guess I'll stay" I said, with a smile on my face.

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