There's something wrong

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Friday,17th December

It had been exactly one month and fourteen days since they broke up.

Phil Saying his still broken up about it would be an understatement, him saying he has no reason to live would just about be hitting the nail on the head. He started to only enjoy weekends for the simple fact that on the weekends he don't have to go to English and sit next to this amazing and cute boy, he didn't have to Dan's brown eyes and smell his cologne. He would have to resist the urge to hold his hands and beg for him back on a daily basis. However the worst part was how slowly, agonizingly they had drifted apart. At first, Dan had stopped sitting in the chair next to him at lunch, he sits on the other side of the table now. Then soon after that he started walking home by himself. Phil had told him he would still drive him, that he wanted to drive him, but Dan said he didn't want to burden him anymore. Classic Dan, always convenient for others. However the very worst part the part that hurts Phil the most is not talking to him. Whenever they talk now, it's about school. "What's for homework?" "When is project due?" Phil hasn't heard Dan say "hello, Phil" in weeks. One month and fourteen days and it still hurts when there's none of his texts on my phone in the morning. It still crushes Phil to watch him from afar rather than listen to his breathing up close. It hurts, everything hurts.

Then everything changes.

Phil is sleeping when his phone rings. Dan. Phil doesn't think he's ever answered the phone so quickly. "Dan-" is all he manage to say before being interrupted by shaky breaths and yelling. "Phil, there's something wrong with my dad," is all he manages to get out before he chokes on a sob. It's confusing to Phil at first because he thought Dan hated that man but then he gets it, he understand why Dan's crying, because even though he hates his own dad, and he hates what he did to him and Martyn, it hurt to leave him too. "Ill be there in a minute."

Phil speed down the highway, through red lights and stop signs, under street lamps in the dark of the night. All he could an think about is "something wrong with my dad". Martyn is in the passenger seat next him me, his face like stone, ready to face whatever is ahead. He, however, wipe my face every few seconds. Tears stream down his face and they will not stop, making this road trip more dangerous than it already is with the red light running. Phil's mind is racing. The yelling in the background sounded like Adrian, though he can't be sure it wasn't the paramedics. Then, because Phil is hopelessly in love with a boy who doesn't love him back anymore, he start to wonder if his the first person he called. Did he care enough to come to me first? Did he call me out of a habit he hadn't broken yet? He thinks about everything he can possibly think about and then his at Dan's house

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