Chapter 18

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I woke up the next morning on my back, covered in blood. I was shirtless and groggy. I moved a smidge to get up, but the pain had gotten in the way. I screamed in pain because of all the red ribbons littering my back. My back was somewhat stuck to the ground because the blood had dried up. Black dots filled my vision and my breathing became swallow by the seconds.

At some point I had passed out, most likely between the pain and blood loss. I became conscious when a shattering sound filled the room. I opened my eyes to find my father above me with a broken beer bottle. He was dressed to go to work at one of the construction sites. 

I groaned knowing what would happen. I didn’t get up fast enough, or clean up the mess he made. Which consisted of blood, the belt, and my shirt. 

He chucked the beer bottle at the ground, which it broke and sent shards into my body. I hissed in pain as I was impaled.

“Pick up your mess. When I get back, it will be spotless, or we will repeat last night. With a special touch.”

And with that, he left. 

It took me a long time to even think about moving an inch. And when I did move, the glass from the beer bottle cut into me. I rolled onto my stomach and a lengthy piece of glass made its way into my arm. 

< “ Ah freaking fracking dip kick walruses! ” >

Wait, my voice came back! (just like the cat)

I kept ahold of that awesome news and pushed myself up from my side. Oh the pain was delightful. Ah sarcasm, what a lovely thing. 

I screamed as I pushed myself into a sitting position. I clenched my teeth so hard I heard a distinctive pop in my jaw. I did my best to just try not to cry. ‘I gotta get out of here. Back to Clint and Natasha. Oh. Haha. I got an idea.

 I screamed on the top of my lungs, not caring if the neighbors heard me.


My throat was on fire, that probably was not the smartest thing. I waited a moment. Now five minutes. Eh now fifteen. I think it was safe that he wasn’t coming. Oh well. I moved to a kneeling position, I put my right hand on top of my right knee and pushed off. The pain was almost unbearable. Almost was the key word. 

I stood up slowly and saw a freaking galaxy. I put my hand on the wall and waited for the vertigo to pass. After a couple deep breaths I was able to shuffle towards the door. 

I wasn’t thinking clearly, and my body took over. I had to get to Clint and Natasha. They felt like home. They all did.

I walked out the front door and onto the street, flinching every step of the way. The wounds on my back started to wided up with each step I took. 

I somehow made my way onto a busy street. I had strangers looking at me like I was some freak show. I had my orange foot cast, my neck bandana, biker gloves, my black bra, combat boots, and my leather jacket in hand. Plus all of the scars that littered my torso, and don’t forget the blood. I ditched the idea of putting anything on my back. Not worth the pain. 

I walked onto the street and flagged down a cabbie. He pulled over and I knocked on the window. As it rolled down I gave an order. 

< “I need you to take me to Stark Towers ASAP. Mr. Stark will pay you double if you get me there as fast as you can.” >

He did a double take then quickly nodded and I slid into the back seat. And off we were.

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