Chapter Three

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Unfortunately, there is smut in this chapter. It's short enough you can skip the chapter. I'm dumb, so chances are it isn't correct, hot or grammatically correct. I'm too scared to reread it. 

Hajime didn't realize he had dosed asleep, until he awoke to ruckus outside. He shut the window he had cracked open, and rushed out to see what was happening. Nekomaru and Akane surrounded Nagito, tying him up with chains.

"What's happening," Hajime asked frantically, wondering why Nagito being tied up hurt him.

"We have to make sure he isn't going to hurt anyone," Akane said.

"I just have hope this game will go well," Nagito laughed, avoiding eye contact with Hajime. That didn't matter, and he could still feel Hajime's worried and stressed stare down. Nagito had a mask on, and that wasn't going to break, no matter how stressed they got.

It didn't take long for everyone to leave the area Nagito was tied up, and head back to their cabins. Hajime was in his cabin for a solid five minutes, before letting his heart drag him back into the area. Nagito laid on the floor, splayed out. He looked up to acknowledge Hajime, providing a weak smile.

"You knew, didn't you," Hajime said, squatting down next to him.

"I didn't want you to do anything irrational. Mikan warned me, and I figured it made sense, considering I did admit. I want hope to win in this scenario. No matter who lives and who dies. Hope will win. Hope will always win."

Hajime sat down next to Nagito, who adjusted himself to sit up. Moving gracefully, Hajime put his hand over Nagito's two hands bonded together by a chain. Seeing Nagito tied up, vulnerable, brought a feeling he couldn't describe over him. A feeling of wanting... Pleasure. He wanted to pleasure. He wanted to feel pleasure. And the only way he could do that, was to take the vulnerability he had shown.

Using a burst of confidence, Hajime slammed his dominant lips on to Nagito's pale lips. They felt chapped under his, but Hajime didn't care. Nagito immediately began to kiss back, moving his lips in the rhythm of their romantic encounter. Hajime moved his hands to move the ropes around Nagito's legs down to his feet. Nagito began to feel an erection building up, bringing a tense but pleasant feeling to his body. Hajime took notice of this imiediatly, and took it to his advantage. As quickly as he could, he unzipped Nagito pants, and felt around. Finally grabbing ahold of his penis, Hajime began to move his hand quickly up and down his dick. Moans of pleasure escaped from Nagitos mouth, as pre-ejaculate oozed out.

It didn't take long before Hajime watched Nagito reach his climax, "Cum for me." He demanded, and Nagito did. The white substances squirted out. Hajime used his fingers and held it in his hand. Using the clean hand, he rolled Nagito over onto his stomach, where he removed the lucky boxers Nagito had been wearing. He smeared the cum all over his asshole as a lube, and shoved his erected member in. Nagito screamed, which turned into a moan, probably because of the lack of preparation Hajime had prepared. But at the moment, he didn't care. That didn't matter. Hajime and Nagito were free in the skys, wrapped in a blissful high. They were on top of the world, and with each thrust, they flew higher and higher, their moans singing for the people.


The two boys laid next to each other, Hajime's arm wrapped around Nagito's shoulders. Nagito's bare chest was paler than the moon, and Hajime's tan hand on it didn't help. But it didn't matter. The chains around Nagito's wrists had rubbed tight, leaving red marks on him, but he didn't mind. It made him feel strong.

Reducently, Hajime left Nagito after helping him put back on his clothes. Hajime felt good, besides the remaining quivers of his body. He entered his room and collapsed on his bed. He wanted to feel Nagito close to him again. Even though they had been apart for a few short minutes, it still felt like too long. Nagito could piss someone off in the time he was gone, and get himself killed without a second thought.

That was just how Nagito was. If he felt it was for the hope of the people, he would let himself die. Hajime learned that in the short while they had known each other, but it didn't make it any less true. Nagito didn't feel like he was good enough, and he wanted to help. Even if it met is death.

It hurt Hajime, but that was how he was.

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