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Hi, my name is Gemma Robins. I'm 18. I have brown hair and brown eyes. I wear glasses cause I'm shortsighted. Not that fun. My Moms name is Selena Robins. Dads name is Jonny Robins. I have a twin brother called TJ. He has brown hair and brown eyes. We're from New York. We're moving to LA. "Mom? When are we going?"asked TJ. "In a few, darling."said Mom. "Ok, T, Tell ... Hey, Gem:) We are nearly ready to leave? We're driving down. We are staying in a hotel incase we don't get there by night."said Mom. "Ok, I will be outside."said Gem. Can't believe I'm moving from New York to LA?? "GEMMA!!!"shouted someone. "Jill!?"shouted Gem. "I have to say bye. Bye:)"said Jill. "Bye. I'm gunna miss you Love ya, sis:)"said Gem. "Bye"said Jill. She left. Then we left. We had to stop and stay in a hotel. I'm going on twitter.
Gems_the_cutie New Yorker:)
Hey, guys I'm moving to LA:) that's where MAGCON lives:) OH MY FUCKING GOD:):):). #ILoveCarter_Rey_SexGod.
Carter_Rey_SexGod favourited your tweet.
@Gems_The cutie New Yorker U r the BEST!!!! U love meeee:) Love u too;) Tweet me.
Oh My God! Carter tweeted me. DING.
From Carter_Rey_SexGod
Hey;) It's me, here's my num 087 345 6661. Text me??;)
To Carter_Rey_SexGod
Kk, here's mine 097 676 452;) Text me;) Ha:) We are both flirting with each other;)
From Sexy Carter
I live in LA;) Where u moving to???
To Sexy Carter
55 Common street, LA
From Sexy Carter
That's right next door to me;) Great;) Meet u 2morrow;) At the new house??
To Sexy Carter
K, >3 u;)
From Sexy Carter
>3 u too;)
To Sexy Carter
Why r we saying I love u's when we are not together;)
From Sexy Carter
Ok, Uh Cameron and Nash and Matt wanted ur number. Expect them to text u;)
From Matt;)
Hey:) Carter hasn't stopped talking about u:)
To Matt;)
Thx. Tell Cart I said he is awesome;)
From Matt;)
From Cam
Hello. What's yer name??
To Cam
Gemma or Gem or Gems:)
From Cam
From Nashty
Hii, How r u?
Well, texts from my idols. "Honey. Who were you texting?"asked Mom. "Uhh, friends that live in LA."said Gem. "Gem?? Was it a boy??"asked TJ. "Maybe:/"said Gem. He looked at my texts. "It is a boy!!! Called Carter? Who is he??"asked TJ. "A boy from MAGCON. Caryer Reynolds, you thick."said Gem. "Gemma. Say sorry to T"said Mom. "Sorry, bro"said Gemma.
Texting with da bestie #Gems_Cutie New Yorker. Love her to bits;) Gems, hope ur reading this babe;)
Gems_Cutie New Yorker
Thx, Carter_Rey_SexGod. We r just FRIENDS;) That flirt with each other:)
Nope, we r going to be going out soon;) As soon as u get to LA;)
Gems_Cutie_New Yorker
Wow, Carter;) Never knew;) Gotta be going to bed if I wanna meet my neighbour;) >3 u, u doofus.
Well, that was funny. I get into bed and fall in.....
"Honey, get up, dressed we are leaving in five"said Dad. I nodded.
From Sexy Carter
When r u leaving?
To Sexy Carter
In five:) We'll be there by twelve:) And then you'll never get rid of me;)
From Sexy Carter
Yup. Matt wants food, so I gotta get him some food;)
To Matt:)
Get ur own food:) Carter wants to meet me:):):):):'
From Matt:)
Soz, but Cart is mine Catt for life;)
To Matt:)
From Sexy Carter
He better not be telling u about Catt????!!! His in for it now:/
To Sexy Carter
Stop texting me I need to get ready:/ See ya in a bit;)
I get up and but on a blue casual dress and converse. I put natural make up on and put my hair in a messy high pony. "Honey, you ready?"asked Mom. "Yep. Coming. When are we having food?"asked Gem. "In the car. We are stopping at a shop, to get breakfast."said Mom. I nodded. Yay. Food in the car:) We get in the car and get our food. Which all of us got a breakfast roll. Yummy in my tummy. We finally arrive at the new house.
To Sexy Carter
Hi;) We're here. Outside!
From Sexy Carter
I see a boy... Wait! That's Carter. "GEMMA!!! Your here."said Carter. "I know. Next door neighbours. Whoop Whoop."said Gem. "Gems? Is this the friend you were talking about??"asked TJ. "Yeah, TJ this is Carter, Carter this is TJ my twin brother"said Gem. "Hey, man"said Carter. "Hey, don't hurt my sis. Alright and take care of her"said TJ. "I will."said Carter. "Okkk, Me and Carter are hanging out."said Gem. "Ok, Mom, Dad? Gem is going out with a friend"said TJ. Me and Carter just left. "Gem, Would you do the honour of going on a date with me?"asked Carter. "Yeah. Carter?? I know it's too soon but...."trailed of Gem because Carter kissed her. "I love you, more like IM IN LOVE WITH GEMMA ROBINS!!"shouted Carter. "I love you, too."said Gem. We walk home and we go our separate ways. BEEP.
Met #Gems_Cutie_NewYorker today and she is beautiful;)
Thx, babe;) BTW Wear snap backs more often;)
Ur welcome:) xxx So, about that date??? Xxxxxxx
2morrow nite at 7? 4 u 2 wear 2morrow wear something casual;) Xxx
Kk xxxx>3 u
That's was super sweet and yeah. "Sis! Dinner"said TJ. Our house is average. 5 bedrooms and stuff.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jan 18, 2015 ⏰

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