Test 2: Canada...Part 2

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So this will be in my P.O.V since the dude who does 3rd P.O.V. you know kinda isn't working today. So yeah.


"My yandere ships are finally sailing!" I squeal out of pure fangirl and joy. I couldn't believe it was actually working for Giovanna and Canada. "Leslie get a hold of yourself like I do. Just take long calm deep breathes in and out." Kim instructed after being done with her squealing and fangirling.

*Timeskip brought by Kim's monotone fangirling*

After some more fangirling and squealing, we find out Giovanna was able to convince Canada. "Well, at least Giovanna isn't a total screw up in everything. Plus, was it really necessary to be very secretive of your little crush on HIM?" Kim said normally.

I felt like I got hit in the face with a block saying "tsundere" in big bold red letters. "Gahh! You've hit me Kim with those words! Its just I'm a little shy and insecure about it and how he'd react and-owie!" I get hit again with another block from Kim. "How do you keep these blocks again Kim?! Plus they're hurting me emotionaly and physicaly! Nyaa!"

I'm hit with an even heavier block delievering a final blow to my hurting head. I fall in slow motion to ground with fake tears going down my face. "Its not my fault I like-hey where's our yandere Giovanna gone with defenseless Canada?" I ask at Kim. She quickly says we go to the park where we told Giovanna to go to with Canada.

*Timeskip brought by possible Thugdere apperance*

"They still seem fine Kim! I see them just talking about the same thing for the past 10 minutes." I report at Kim keeping close watch for any sudden yandere Giovanna. "Its seems that Canada, as expected, is dandere because he seems very quiet every now and again. Plus a few blushes here and there from the polite compliments."

Kim just kept firm grip on her carrot knife and a determined look on her face. "We can't be too safe. You know she could immediatly be yandere with another person near them." Kim responded. She just looked over at a bench with a blue haired person and quickly turned away.

"Hey, is that Kuroko? You know that guy you used to be around with? Until you found out I knew about it and how I shipped you guys." I ask obliviously. THUD! I get hit with the handle of her knife.

"I told you not to talk about that Leslie!" Kim shouts losing her cool. "Its not my fault I started shipping you guys when Kuroko saved you from the police. I didn't intend to steal from the candy store with 3 bags and then run off on the motorcycle without you!"

THUD! I get hit in the head with the handle of the knife again. "Leslie focus on Giovanna and Canada. Plus I see HIM, I know you love being near him." Kim smirked a little at me knowing how beyond awkward I am near HIM.

"Hey! Look Kim, Giovanna and Canada are leaving! Canada is saying that he'll take Giovanna back to her house. Aw its soo cute!" I quickly say averting my gaze back to the pair away from my little crush.

"Well, I'll make sure you talk to HIM sooner or later. Come on get on your damn motorcycle and follow them!" Kim yelled at me.

*Timeskip brought by Levi X Death The Kid shipping*

"Alright we're here so we have to be quiet." Kim whispered at me as we sat in the tree, where I always park my motorcycle at Giovanna's house. "Gotcha Captain Monotone!" I whispered happily soonly to be smacked lightly the head.

"Thank you Canada Senpai for hanging out with me today. I really had fun chatting with you." Giovanna said with a tint of pink in her cheeks.

Canada just responded happily "I should be saying thanks. I don't really get to hang around with people that often. The only one who doesn't ever leave me, even though he forgets about me easily, is here Kumojiro."

Canada holds up his bear, showing it to Giovanna as she tries to resist the urge to hug him. So the only thing Giovanna does is smile sweetly at him. It was just as hard for me and Kim to resist the urge of screaming of joy. Although not that much joy from Kim obviously.

Giovanna then quickly makes a move and hugs Canada for a second, but to us it was all slow motion. She quickly lets go and runs inside before saying these words.

"I'll see you again next week! Bye!"

After she was inside and Canada  regained himself I couldn't hold it in anymore. "Dios mio! Eso era ermoso! SSSIII!" I jump from the tree and tackle Canada and Kumojiro to the ground. Soonly I hear Kim jump off the tree and join us saying "Don't leave me out of this!"

Canada just kept on getting more and more lost. "Um...what is happening...this too much for me to take." Canada softly says before fainting on to the soft grass. "Come on Kim. We have to take him home before Giovanna finds out!" I say taking one of Canada's arms while Kim helped with the other.

"Hey Kumojiro do you have the keys to his house?" I ask the little bear. "Yeah. Anyways, how are you going to get us home?" Kumojiro asks cutely. "Don't worry, this is Leslie we're talking about. She can take us all home on her damn motorcycle." Kim answers looking at Kumojiro.

"At least we can call this day a success, right Leslie?" Kim turns to me. "Claro que si! This day was a success!" I grin at her as we go to the tree.


Well heres the translations:

Dios mio! Eso era ermoso! SSSIII! -

My god! That was beautiful! YYYEEESSS!

Claro que si!-

Yeah, of course!

Thank you for reading that mess! May you have a fabulous day or night with Maka and Twilight reading books! Educate yo self!

Picture found on Google images

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