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You seem to like the way of the way.
The wanderlust
Has filled your eyes. You've walked
Many a moon in the starlight, seen and
Loved and lost.
But the way you've chosen tonight will fail you.
The oceans
Have no mercy. You've stepped
Into a world of blue green, kelp forests
Unseen and abundant.
Your ship and crew are defiant, it seems.
The gleam
In your eyes is dauntless. You've chosen
Wisely in at least this one thing,
But foolhardy yet.

Rest assured, the sea will take you.
The labyrinth
Loves a fresh sacrifice. You've seen
The carcasses strewn along the beach, yet
You venture on.
She will take your heart, and savour your flesh.
The kindness
Of waves is mythical. Your eyes
Will be the death of you, your hopes
Nullified, extinguished.
Sumptuous is the feast you offer up.
The blood
In your veins will scarcely remain. Your will
Shall break, your brow beaten by
Borrowed force from gale.

But no worries, you'll find your way eventually.
The love
In your heart shouldn't fade. Your heart's
Been hurt before by entities both
Obscure and unyielding.
I want no more than to soothe your aches.
The restlessness
Won't stop till you find satisfaction. You've lost
It all to lovers a'plenty, the debauchery of
Silence and serenity.
I wish you the best on your sojourn.
The horizon
Is not as straight as it seems. Your compass
Will guide you more dilligently than you
Could ever know!

Dear Readers,

What a beginning! Wending is on it's way, and I'm asking you to join me for the ride! We're going places again!

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