Four: Bar Fights and Lazy Nights

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Ellie had been busy the past few days, but she knew something was going on. She had heard about Wayne getting into a fight at Modean's while she had been home with her grandfather. She was glad that he was getting back to being himself. What had her worried though, was talk going around town that he was going to fight whoever needed to take back his "toughest guy in Letterkenny" title.

It was plain stupid, fighting without someone on standby to patch you up. Ellie was borderline furious when she finally wasn't busy and she stopped by to check on everyone, seeing Wayne with bruised knuckles. She only scoffed and told him to let her know next time and she'd bring something to help with that. She wasn't going to make a big deal this time, she warned all of them though. Next time, she better be close by to help fix them up.

The trio of men only nodded, embarrassed about being chastised by a small woman who barely came to their shoulders. "Well. Now that's all over, wanna celebrate?" Ellie drawled, plopping down in the lawn chair by Wayne that was unofficially hers now. Daryl and Dan felt themselves doing a double take, mouths slightly open in surprise. The two really hadn't expected that after being reprimanded.

Wayne had a slight smirk, remembering how she is. "There's no need to celebrate now, Ellie-bird." Wayne stated, taking a sip of his beer. Ellie only nodded, not going to force him into anything. "Would you at least like for me to make cookies or a cake?" She grinned, knowing very well that he loved her baking.

"I don't think I would turn away some cookies." Wayne gave a nod, the other two agreeing. They all agreed, her baking is the best.


"You're thinking about gettin' back into dating? Good for you!" Ellie smiled at Wayne, happy for him. She had come over to Wayne and Katy's place to drop off some cookies, overhearing the conversation as she walked into the kitchen she couldn't help but chime in with her opinion.

"Everyone suggests I should." Wayne mumbled, looking like he didn't really care either way. "Well, do what ya want. Obviously no one can force ya." Ellie snorted at the unsure look on her old friends face. Katy was most likely the one to suggest he start dating again and it definitely showed with her expression at Ellie's words.

Wayne gave the girl a nod, grateful at least one friend was on his side with the others in the room pushing him to start dating again. It was one of the several things he appreciated about her. As long as you were happy and not being stupid, Ellie would support you completely and wouldn't push on something that made you uncomfortable.


"Wayne went to what now?" Ellie just had to ask Katy repeat herself. "Some weird singles thing down at the church the other night." Katy smirked, taking a swig of her beer, amusement clear on her face. Ellie had a similar expression, wondering what he was thinking.

The two girls were spending some time together, gossiping and eating junk food. A true girls night. They had missed spending time together and thought this was a good way to bond some more, holed up in Ellie's bedroom with a TV in front of them and bad horror movies playing.

Ellie knew the other's had been talking to him about it since before the bar fight but this was the first she was hearing about this incident. "I'm guessing he didn't have any luck." Ellie snorted, the image of Wayne at a church for a singles party just to strange to imagine. "Nope." Katy smiled, glad her only girl friend was back.

"I can't believe I'm just hearing about this!" Ellie was practically pouting, hating being left out of the loop. "You've been busy." Katy shrugged, picking at Ellie's dark blue comforter from her spot on the bed, sitting cross legged in front of Ellie who was laying on her stomach. "I know. I'm still not use to this big change." Ellie sighed, burying her face into the bed.

"You seem to be doing good. You've even gained some muscle." Katy joked, not wanting the atmosphere to take the sad turn it was bound to take if they dwelled on everything. Ellie gave a loud laugh, head back and eyes crinkled. "Maybe one day I can take on Wayne in a fight!" The red head suggested. Katy snorted, not even dignifying the ridiculous statement with a response.

The two carried on joking and laughing well into the night. By the time midnight rolled around they were on a movie they barely remembered putting in and the snacks were getting low. They hadn't spent so much time together since they were teenagers. It was nice.

With the lights off and the TV being the only light source, they were getting tired. "I remember. I remember one day, we were maybe seven or something, and your mom had put you in this green sundress. You hated it so much. We stayed outside all day trying to ruin it. You rolled around in mud until your hair was caked in the stuff and it was smudged all over your face. It was one of my favorite days." Katy yawned, remembering that hot summer day after it had rained all day before fondly.

"It didn't even ruin it. I got in so much trouble for trying though. Grandpappy tried not to show it but he found it funny. He even went out and bought me some good work jeans and told my mom it was to help him out doing yard work." Ellie giggled, the girls leaning together, half asleep. "The year after that you didn't have any more dresses, so I guess it worked." Katy snorted, recalling the look of glee on Ellie's face when she came over that summer, proudly stating that she didn't have to wear dresses anymore.

"I'm pretty sure that was Grandpappy's doin'. That was a few years after Ma died and he was lonely. Convinced my mom that dresses didn't help on the farm and he needed me coming around." Ellie stated as Katy's breathing evened out. She had fallen asleep.

With a quiet laugh and a roll of her eyes, Ellie turned the TV off and closed her eyes to go to sleep herself. She had enjoyed the company. Being away had been tough. Ellie wasn't one to make friends easily, so she was glad that she had the chance to come back.

It was almost like nothing had changed.

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