Chapter 1. The beginning

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I glanced at my group. 4 men. They were older than I am, around their mid-twenties. When I met them for the first time, they seemed surprised. They weren't the only one, everyone had seemed surprised when I decided to join the military. Especially my dad. Alpha of one of the biggest prides in the United States. Born as a werecat in the woods, my life was all but normal. I've never lived in a normal house, with normal food and normal people. We hunt, we kill and hide in the woods.

Max turned his attention back to me. A young guy, the youngest is the four men and studied me. 'Where are you from?' He questioned. 'Utah.' He ohh'ed. 'And you're 18?' He asked. I nodded, 'almost 19,' I added. 'Aren't you afraid you'll be the first one to die?' I was taken back by the question. 'Why would she be the first one to die?' I turned my head to look at the man in uniform. 'Because... she's... a girl.' The tall man looked at me. 'Don't make me hear that again, clear?'

'Yes, sir.'

They showed us around. The base huge and I had struggles remembering all the halls and places. 'Your training will start at 5 AM tomorrow, you will have time to adjust for today,' Lennox spoke. Max, Jake, Micheal and Sem walked off, leaving me alone behind. I looked around and decided to head for my room and settle in for the night. It's a complete switch and I needed some time for myself to get used to all the new people. Usually, we don't interact with people. They're dangerous. I didn't want to believe it. There must be some goodness in them. I pushed open the door and looked around. Basic but more than I have ever had. A bed, closet, drawer, door to the bathroom, desk and a armchair. I sat down on the bed. I have nothing to unpack, because I have nothing. No money, no extra clothes, these clothing are stolen, just nothing.

I had recently opened a bankaccount with the money my dad. He didn't want to talk about it how he got it but he had some. He said I could use it even he never fully agreed with my decision to leave the savety of the woods. Maybe it wasn't completely true, I had stolen a few basic things like a toothbrush and paste, hairbrush and a few old clothes. The man of the store I was at had been so kind to just give it me when I told him I didn't had any money. I felt bad for those people to steal. They needed to make a living and I already stole clothes from another shop. I told him I would pay him back as soon as I got the change. I always tried to be kind to people, especially the normal humans.

That evening, I headed towards the cafetaria, it was busy. Autobots, humans they all seemed to be here. A group pushed me aside and walked over to the kitchen. I watched it for a moment to see how and what they were doing before following their lead. I had found a table a little bit isolated from the others but I could perfectly see everything. My attention went mostly to the Autobots. They were sitting at a round table. It was by far the biggest table in the room. I slowly started eating. No my favorite food but I was starving.

I saw a group of girls on the left side. They kept glancing over their shoulder, looking at a guy. An Autobot. Silky brown hair, tall and muscular. No facial hair, no tattoos or piercings. He's handsome and I guess around the age of 20. He didn't seem to take note of the girls. I watched them throughout dinner and listened to the stories around me. I have no experience with the military.

The next morning, after an restless night, I entered the training hall. I wasn't the only one. Beside my team, there were also several other teams preparing for training. The same girls at the previous day and this guy or Autobot from last night. He was busy talking to a girl. His face was serious but hers wasn't. She was just happy to talk to him. As he noticed me, he stopped talking and walked up to me after a few seconds of staring. 'Hey...'

I flashed him a weak smile. 'You're new?' I nodded. 'I am Sideswipe. I am your combat instructor,' he said. 'Nice to meet you. You can just call me Sky. Everyone calls me that,' I said. 'Alright, welcome.' He gestured me to follow him. 'Do you have experience?' He asked. 'Yeah, I do...'

My eye fell on his thigh. A holster with a knife in it and what my father described as a gun. It made me feel a little bit uncomfortable. I don't know how to use one or even what type of gun that is. I snapped out of my thoughts as Sideswipe pointed at my group. 'We will start in a second,' he said. I gave a small nod and walked up to them. They all had guns except for me.
Where do I even get one?

The training went well. I was good. They said I was good and Sideswipe gave me some tips. The other people or girls, weren't so happy with all the things I could do. Proud I managed to pull of an result I hadn't even expected, I left the training hall and bumped into Prowl when I was about to take a turn. 'Hey,' I chirped and flashed him a smile. 'Sky,' he returned the smile. He's always strict and stern but I like him. 'Are you settled in?' he asked. 'Yeah, yeah... but I have to admit that's it's quite a bit of a change. Now I talking to you... I have seen like everyone with a gun and I know Ironhide gives target training tomorrow but where do I find a gun?'

'You don't find it you need to get it at the service desk,' he said. I ohh'ed. 'You got an email about that,' he added. What's an Email? I glanced at him. 'An Email?' I asked confused and my confusion confused him. 'Give me your phone...' he held his hand out. 'I don't have a phone.' I didn't want to sound stupid or give him the idea I am an absolute moron but I don't even know what a phone is. 'You don't have a phone?' he asked. 'N-no.'

'It's broken?' he asked. I nodded. 'Yeah, that's what happened. It's broken...' I said. 'Okay well... maybe you should read your emails, all the information is in there,' he said before passing me. I leaned against the wall and sighed, shaking my head and face palmed. I still don't know what an email is. I looked around to see if I could ask anyone but who can I ask. I spotted Sideswipe walking down the hallway and sprinted towards him. 'Hey.'

He seemed a little annoyed. 'I have a quick question–' he cut me off. 'No, I am not going out for dinner with you, I won't take you for a drive and I am still your superior so don't ask me inappropriate questions,' he snapped. I jumped back, 'I didn't want to ask that.' He stopped and turned towards me. 'No?' he asked confused. 'Yeah, look... uhm, I am a bit embarresed to ask because it makes me look like a moron but I need to know because Prowl said it was imporant,' I said. He frowned a little and crossed his arms. 'Alright, go ahead.'

'What is an email and where do I get a phone? Als something I get at the service desk?'

Sideswipe was quiet for a very long time, just staring at me. 'Are you pranking me?' he asked. I shook my head. 'Never mind, I'll figure it out myself,' I sulked and turned around. 'Okay, fine... I am sorry. I don't get it.'

'It's complicated...'

'Right, no you can't get a phone at the service desk, you need to buy them and about the email, you get in your email box. It's digital post,' he explained. 'Ah, right with the... thing I had to fill. I got a form which I had to fill in and it said; email address.'
'Yeah, what exactly did you fill because this just sound like a bad joke,' he said suspiciously. I shifted a little. 'Your right, it's a joke. It's a bad joke... thank you anyway... forget about what I said.' I walked off before he could say anything. I felt like an idiot. I sighed and headed back to my room.

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