Chapter 10

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They were back in their motel, and Castiel was in a flurry. They were going to need a few things. Wood, paint, an empty private place, and well... The blood of some poor deer.

"Okay... One more time. What are we supposed to do?!"

Castiel gave an annoyed huff, before explaining again, "We need to build this triangle," He pushed forward of a sketch he had made while he spoke, "This is called the triangle of Solomon. If we summon Furfur, and will him into the triangle, he will be stuck. Also, he will answer any question we ask truthfully.."

Dean waved his hands, as he spoke "Yeah I get that part, but how are we supposed to will him into the 'magical' triangle?"

"I believe summoning him will be enough," Castiel replied.

"Sounds a little unclear," Dean announced, "But I'm in. So what do we need to do?"

"We're going to need to build the triangle out of black wood, then write the words in white paint. Then we need to write the words on the outside and draw the triangle in black paint. And, when everything's set up, we... We need to have fresh deer blood at every point of the triangle." Castiel hesitated. He hated sacrifices. They really were a waste of life.

"I'm down," Dean replied chipperly. "But how much blood will we need?"

"As much as we can get," Castiel answered, "Furfur will only stay in the triangle for as long as the blood lasts. He will be consuming it while he is in the triangle."

Dean frowned, "Oh. Sorry I asked."

"We should do this quickly," Castiel urged, "We don't know what's Furfur's doing. We should attack him before he decides to attack us."

"Right right right," Dean agreed, "I'll just go on a shopping trip."

Dean was gone in a moment, and Castiel was left alone in silent anticipation. They could finally stop Furfur. Then Castiel could contact Sam, and tell him about Dean. But maybe... Dean didn't need to be changed back. The idea seemed impossible, but was it? No, of course they needed to change Dean back. It was the right thing to do.

Castiel would decide later.


Only slightly surprisingly, it only took Dean an hour to come back. He held everything in one arm, except the deers of course. In fact Castiel was a little relieved that Dean didn't bring the mammals. Not only was there no room in their motel, Castiel didn't know if he could bare to look at the poor animals without feeling guilty. Castiel instantly got to work, painting the thin strips of wood that Dean brought black. Dean joined in, and they continued like that for an hour. When they finished, Dean suggested that they go get food, They decided to go get chinese take out.

At the restaurant, Castiel found something called 'orange chicken.' He had never seen an orange chicken before, so he ordered it. To his surprise, not only was it orange colored, it tasted like citrus too. He found it quite enjoyable, and ate most of the small box. Dean, who didn't need to eat, ate what Cas didn't.

When they finished, they set back to work, finishing up what they could. They nailed the wood pieces together, using white paint to write the words, and then left it to dry. It took another hour, and by the end, Castiel's hands and wrists were sore.

Dean seemed to notice, since he gently tugged Castiel's trenchcoat half way off and suggested, "Let's go to bed."

Complying, Castiel wearily shed the coat off and walked to the bed. Dean laid down on the bed, and held an arm up as an offer. Castiel happily took it, and laid down in Dean's arms. Dean hugged him close, resting his head on top of Castiel's. The warmth from Dean was tantalizing, and Cas couldn't help but pressing closer to the demon. Placing a kiss on Castiel's head, Dean began to slowly stroke his hair with his one free hair. Castiel was surprised when little shivers ran down his back, and found that he liked the sensation.

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