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Snoke walked purposefully through the dungeon, his knights followed behind him carrying the unmoving form of the prince.

As they passed the cell where Queen Leia was being held, she saw her son, bloody and bruised. "Ben!" she cried, but he didn't move or respond. Fearing the worst, she began to weep silently.

Han wrapped his arms around her and tried to comfort her. She turned to look at him, his eyes filled with affection and everything that he couldn't express with words...concern for their son, but also hope.

"He's stronger than we know sweetheart," Han whispered.

"I know, but...he's still my baby, he always will be. I have to do something...I should have been there for him," she said. "I love him more than anything."

"Don't do that to yourself, sweetheart, there was nothing you could have done. The only thing we can do for him now is pray," Han told her.

Leia nodded squeezing him slightly.


Snoke opened the door to Rey's cell and walked in, followed by the knights who carried Ben. Rey gasped and tears stung her eyes as she saw him. His face was bruised and stained with blood, worse she could see a large scarlet stain on his shirt.

The knights laid him down on the bed and Rey quickly went over to him, grabbing his hand. He didn't respond and Rey turned to look at Snoke with fire in her eyes. "What did you do to him?"

"What he deserved," Snoke replied, simply.

"He doesn't deserve this, you monster. He is the kindest, gentlest person I know."

"You only think that because you don't know what he's done," he replied.

"I know what he has done. But he is a new person now," she answered.

He reached up and touched Rey's cheek. "You look just like your mother."

Rey pushed his hand away. "What do you mean? How did you know my mother?"

"Never mind that, all you need to know is that she is the only reason your beloved prince is still alive. His life is in your hands now, rather he lives or dies depends on you and your ability to heal. If he dies it will be your fault, not mine." He turned and left the room with his knights following behind him.

Rey turned her attention back to Ben. She gently placed her hand on his cheek. "Ben... wake up, please wake up sweetheart," she pleaded, but he didn't move. She placed a soft kiss on his lips, a tear slipped from her eye and fell on his cheek. "I can't lose you. I love you, with all of my heart."

She began to cry, she had never thought of having to live without him, she couldn't. She laid her head on his chest and heaved a sigh of relief as she heard the sound of his heartbeat, and the faint sound of his breathing. She lifted her head and looked at him, tenderly moving the strands of his hair out of his face. "I'm going to take care of you," she whispered.

She carefully lifted his head, and sat him up, resting his head on her shoulder. Then she reached down to grab the hem of his shirt and carefully pull it up over his head. She placed one hand behind his neck to support his head as she carefully lowered him back onto the bed.

She looked him over, her eyes instantly landing on the stab wound on his abdomen. It was bleeding badly and appeared to be quite deep, she prayed silently that the blade hadn't pierced anything vital. For now, she realized that the most important thing was to stop the blood otherwise he could bleed out and die from blood loss. Already, his pale skin was stained with blood... too much blood.

She reached for the tattered end of her tan dress, once it had fallen to her ankles, but now the lower part of her legs were exposed. She grabbed one corner of her dress, quickly tearing it loose and placing it over the open wound. She pressed down as hard as she could, trying to apply pressure and stop the bleeding. She hoped that she wasn't hurting him. Maybe it was a good thing that he was unconscious, so that he wouldn't have to feel the pain of her attempts to make him better.

She sighed, concerned as she realized that this was really the only thing she could do for him besides clean his wound with water, which wouldn't help much especially on a wound this deep, but it was all that she could do. She couldn't even boil the water or heat a knife to cauterize the wound.

She knelt down next to him, keeping her left hand over his wound. She reached over with her free hand, intertwining her fingers with his. His hands were a little colder than the warmth she was used to, it was from all of the blood he had lost, she knew.

She didn't know what to do, there was no way she could save him. Even if she was able to stop the bleeding, she didn't have the supplies to treat a wound this bad, and even if she did she wasn't a doctor. She wouldn't know what to do for him, she could treat injuries that were fairly severe she had been forced to learn in order to survive the many she'd received while she lived on the streets and roamed the woods. But this was beyond her, and if she made a mistake it could cost Ben his life.

Maybe she could find a way to escape and get something to help him, perhaps even fetch a doctor. But she couldn't leave him, she feared that if she relieved the pressure on his wound he would bleed out before she returned.

She closed her eyes and began to pray fervently, asking God to help them... to somehow keep Ben from dying.

~*~ Share your thoughts ~*~

~ how do you think Snoke knew Rey's mother?

~ why do you think Snoke brought Ben to Rey?

~ do you think Rey will be able to save Ben?

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