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     They tried their best to make Remus seem normal, Roman told him which ideas would go over best with the others. He didn't want to be separated from his other half. It worked for the most part, but Logan and Patton were still trying to figure out what made the two different.

     Dishonesty knew, and therefore Fear did too. Both of them were worried, they knew that the others wouldn't be happy when they found out. They didn't want Remus to experience that, the poorly masked disgust, the tense smiles, they knew all about it. But...they didn't know how to prevent it from happening to another vulnerable side.

     They spent long hours trying to devise a plan to convince Remus to come with them before he had to experience the rejection, but they couldn't think of anything they thought would work.

     Meanwhile, Remus was doing his best to be what everyone wanted him to be, good. He was as polite as he knew how to be, and Roman was giving him good ideas to share, that part was easy. The hard part was keeping the bad ideas from being shared. 

     Remus didn't seem to be able to hold his tongue, every idea that crossed his mind came out of his mouth. 

     "What would even happen if I cut off one of my fingers?" He asked as he attempted to cut out a paper snowflake with a pair of scissors.

     Roman gave him a panicked look, Patton gave him a horrified one.

     "Why would you ever wanna do that?" Patton asked panicked.

          Remus hurried to fix the situation, "I-I'm just worried is all," he says quickly, "What if I mess up?"

     Patton seemed to relax at that, "Oh, well, as long as you're careful you should be okay. They're safety scissors after all."

     Remus nods, trying his best to hide the relief he feels. This wasn't the first time, nor would it be the last time.

     "Why doesn't Thomas jump out of the car?" He asked once while they were riding home.

     Logan looks at him in alarm, "That would surely harm Thomas greatly. Why would you ever want him to do that?"

     Roman gives him a familiar, panicked look.

     Remus just laughs, "I just thought it would be neat."

     Logan rolls his eyes and moves his attention elsewhere.

     These were only a couple of the countless times these things had happened. Roman was getting tired of worrying about his brother, tired of being responsible for keeping him out of trouble.

     "Why is it so hard for you to keep your mouth shut?!" He yelled while they were lone in their room one night.

     "I don't know," Remus said softly.

     "I'm trying to keep us together!" Roman cried in exasperation. "Do you want them to send you away?" His voice was softer now.

     Remus was crying now, he didn't say anything, just shook his head violently.  

     Roman sighed, "I'm trying my best to help you, but if you keep saying scary things they're gonna figure it out."

     Remus wiped at his eyes, "I kn-know, b-but I can't help it."

     Roman shook his head, "Try? Please?"

     Remus just nodded, tears  flowing silently down his small face. 

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