Chapter 14

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Is it bad if even after your dream is over...
You still feel like you're not waking up?

Cynthia's mind looks like a chasm to her and she is effectively enveloped in the blackness. She tries to move, to speak, but as she realizes she is as good as paralyzed, she is embedded in a dull and grim aura. Her face sets itself into stone. "What am I doing here... What happened?"
A voice of her own echoes though the infinite darkness and the air grows cold.
The voice, while it did seem to be just like hers, did not come from her.
The voice mutters a few more words, utterly intelligible, before somehow it ends:
"W-what have I... Done?"
A shard of bloody glass leaps from the oblivion directly in front of her.
It ends.

What is going on with Cynthia?!
She opened her eyes, but she wasn't responding to anything in her environment, just staring dully at the ceiling... Staring... She won't.. Wake... Up...
Those words ran in my head, jumbling, mixing, falling apart. Five minutes of silence ensued the quieting down of Sam
And then her eyes went wide and she let go a scream of genuine terror, of pain.
And the next things that went through my head as I hugged her close to me, thanking her for waking up, was
W-what have I... Done?

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