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One month later.

If someone was to ask how they got here they probably wouldn't be able to narrate the whirlwind romance that had swept them up. Now here they were waking up together in Stark's unnecessarily large bed in his unnecessarily large penthouse. The genius had an arm wrapped around his still sleeping partner. He gazed down at the man with a smile, thinking about how the last month had completely changed his life.

He was contemplating this when he noticed that Steve was beginning to stir so he dropped a kiss on the man's forehead. It made him think back to the first time he woke Steve up and the man had been so defensive. This time, Steve's eyelids fluttered open and he smiled.

Good morning, he signed after freeing his arms from the thick duvet.

Good morning. Good dreams?

Steve smiled and nodded before burying his head into the crook of his partner's neck. He was too sleepy to plough through a conversation right now. They hadn't exactly slept much since being together.

Tony laughed and extracted himself after a quick kiss, Breakfast?

You read my thoughts!

No, I heard your stomach rumble, Tony pulled the man out of bed and dragged him through to the kitchen. He liked to make eggs for them in the morning and Steve always loved his cooking.

They stood together, mostly in silence as Tony cooked their breakfast. Steve leant his head against the smaller man's shoulder and watched him. Occasionally, Tony would think of something and turn slightly so Steve could read his hands or, if stirring, he would slowly mouth words to his partner but that was prone to miscommunication.

Tony plated up and led them over to the table. Once he'd placed the food down, he signed, Enjoy!

Better make the most of this, Steve answered.

The billionaire froze with his fork halfway to his mouth. Blinking, his mouth opened and closed while his mind suddenly went blank for signs. More than ever he wished he could speak. Eventually his brain caught up.

Make the most of this? What?

Steve frowned and moistened his lips quickly. He seemed confused about Tony's confusion.

Yeah, I just meant that this isn't going to last forever. Steve signed uncertainly, People tend to get bored of me pretty quickly. Soon enough learning sign, the special efforts, the inability to speak... Nobody I've ever been with has found me worth the sacrifice. There was a moment of silence before Steve continued, But I get it... I don't know what it's like to be in a relationship where I can hear, you do.

Steve was visibly upset, he kept his eyes down on his food and Tony knew full well that not looking up was a defensive technique he employed. He knew he had to dispel this nonsense but he didn't even know where to begin. Maybe subconsciously he was missing hearing someone's voice, hearing them say his name, feeling like he couldn't engage in group conversation without interpreting for Steve. But he didn't want to believe that he could leave Steve because of that. He wanted to believe that he liked Steve more than any of those assholes that would dump him because of his deafness.

Tony reached across the table to tap Steve chin up, Well fuck those guys. You're worth everything and more. I promise.

Steve rose and peered down at his lover, Please, just think everything over properly before you make promises like that. I'll give you time to think about it.

The blond man's then left. He packed his things from Tony's room and left the tower. The genius didn't try to stop him or convince him otherwise; he could see that Steve had been hurt one too many times to just throw out a promise he didn't know if he could keep. He wouldn't ask for the man back until he could be certain he could stand by it.

Steve? Can you hear me?Where stories live. Discover now