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Michael walked in bruised his clothes were torn. He was caked in blood and dirt. But what really caught my eye was that he was alone. Not with the girl and not with my men.

'Sir.' he said walking to my desk.

'Michael.' I nodded. 'Where are my men and the girl?'

'I got her just as you requested but...' he stopped.

' But what Michael?' I growled.

'S-she got a-away.' he stuttered.

'What do you mean? Did you inject her?' I snarled he was starting to make me mad.

'Y-yes w-we did.' stuttered again.


'W-we were crossing the border when we were a-attacked. They   k-killed the others and to-took the girl.' He whimpered.

'Attacked by who. And how many was there' I sighed.

'I don't know they didn't smell of rogues. There were four. One of them was an alpha.' He said.

'Leave' I said as I watched him run out the room.  He was a smart boy for someone his age and strong if only he would stop being so scared then maybe, just maybe I could find more use for him.

I sighed sitting back in my chair. Why can't anything be simple. Take the girl, lure the alpha, kill the alpha, take over his pack. Easy right? WRONG! All these people are getting in the way. Now I have to find out who has her now.

Then I will finally have my revenge. Alpha   will regret the day he killed my family.





my best friend, the alphaWhere stories live. Discover now