4: Roadblock

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WARNING: Longer chapter, just be aware it's gonna take a bit to read. Big drama in this one though, so stick around to the end.


My alarm rings. I roll over and shut it off. I fly out of bed and throw on jeans and a Hendrick shirt for my appearances. The day had finally arrived. My stomach turns as my nerves begin to ramp up. I hope that they eventually go away, but my fear is that I'll have to wait to get out on track for the jitters to finally leave me. I do my appearances and meet some of my fans. They're my motivation. They keep me going on bad days and celebrate with me on good days. When it seems like nobody else is in my corner, I look to my fans. Meeting them definitely helped my nerves, and I find myself not so worried about the race ahead.

I head towards the garage to make sure the car is ready to go. I see the crew rolling it out towards pit road and I catch up to Kasey.

"These boys gave me a rocket this week. I can't wait to see what the race holds." I say, watching the team push the Silver Bullet towards my pit box.
"Me neither, I haven't been this excited since my driving days." Kasey says, looking out at the pits and the packed frontstretch.

I run back to my motor home quickly and change into my brand new Coors Light firesuit and make my way to the stage for driver intros. I meet up with Chase, Ryan, and Bubba near the stairs.

"Y'all ready for this race?" I ask, leaning back against the back side of the stage.
They all nod and we spend a little time talking about strategy. We agree to try to help each other as much as possible, but we all know it won't matter at the end of the day. Little do we know the results of the race won't either...

Driver intros begin. The others are introduced before me and I climb the stairs, awaiting the first time my name will be announced on the Cup circuit. Finally, all the other drivers are introduced, and it's my turn to make the walk down the ramp to the trucks parading us around the track. I hear the PA announcer come over the intercom.

"And finally, starting from the pole position for the 2021 Daytona 500, driving the #5 Coors Light Camaro, the rookie sensation ready to take the sport by storm, Colton Daniels!"

I step out from behind the stage to a rowdy crowd. They all want high fives, autographs, and photos. I'm not used to this kind of fame. I walk down the ramp, signing a few autographs and high fiving all the kids. For the first time, adrenaline took the place of nerves and I smile at the fans. After the parade lap, I make my way to my car, where Kasey is waiting.

"Almost that time buddy." He says, handing me my helmet, gloves, and HANS device. I set them on top of the car as pre race ceremonies begin. After the invocation, a local artist sings the national anthem, and I hear the sound of the Blue Angels approaching the track. They fly over and a wave of excitement passes over me. I realize that I am about to embark on the best, yet most challenging time of my life. I put my helmet and HANS device on, followed by my Coors Light gloves, all specially made for this race as a tribute to Sterling Marlin and of course Jimmie. The shoes I would have to fill were massive, but I was ready for whatever came my way. At least I thought I was...

I slip into the car and settle myself down in the seat. I put the steering wheel on and wait for the command I had been waiting for since I got the call to drive this car.

"And now for the most famous words in motor sports! Here to give the command, please welcome our grand marshal, CEO of Wyndham Resorts, Jack Goldman!"
"Drivers! Start...your...engines!" He smiles as the camera pans away.

I flip the ignition switch and check my gauges to make sure everything fires up okay. It all looks normal so I give the thumbs to Kasey who hooks my window net. He fist bumps me.

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