red alert

7 0 2

I have a emergency a big one I don't know how to deal with I will replay the events of the emergency

So I was helping my science teacher who also dose agriculture go through a heap of tomatoes when we finished sorting them he asked me to take the box of good tomatoes to the office so I grabbed them then left when I got there a girl walked in when I was ready to leave so was she so like a nice person I held the door for her she asked me on my way back to class for my name which I told her and then she asked if I liked anyone you can probably see where this is going U said yes because as you may know I have a girlfriend and I love her and she said "well I like you would you like to date?" And like the dumb fuck I am because I don't know what to do I say that I will think about it then I leave what the fuck do I do when she comes to me expecting an answer how can I explain for my fucking stupidity without being a jerk I know this girl she gets picked on by other kids in my year level and I don't want to be a dick like them but how do I say no please help is needed

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