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The sounds of water dripping from a nearby hose woke her up. For a fraction of seconds, she didn't remember where she was, until the horror and fear again took control of her. She was still there, in this forsaken place. She imagined this must be what hell was like. Like those stories in the old texts that described old religions. Or maybe worse. If this was hell, she had never imagined that her punishment could be this cruel. Because nobody believed in heaven or hell anymore. Not after the Apocalypse.

The girl who was tied up in the same room as she was, had gone. She hadn't come back to this room. They took her out. She didn't know when that was. She had lost track of time. She didn't know how long she had been here. Maybe that girl was finally dead. Finally. After the endless torture. If that girl had died, she envied her.

She had passed the point of screaming. She had lost her voice. There was no point anyway. No one heard her. At first, she fought back. She had tried everything she could think of to defend herself. But that only turned them on even more. They liked it when she fought, when she screamed.

Those men. They liked watching her squirming in pain. Some of them watched while jerking off, cheering when the others took her. And the laughter. The laughter was as worse as the raping. She wondered why she hadn't died listening to their laughter. She had neither words nor imagination to describe how she hated the laughter.

But worst of all were the tortures. She once thought that the raping was still more bearable compared to the tortures. They used tools. Chains, knives, piercing clamps, razors, hot wax, ice and some sex-toys. But they seemed to know her limits. At least until now. They never did anything fatal. They fed her enough and cleaned her enough so she would continue going to serve their hunger. Although she felt her body had crumbled apart, but they kept her healthy and well to bear the torture.

But she knew soon she would hit that limit and died like other girls before her. The waiting for that to happen made it even worse. She had passed the point of agony. She had become the pain herself. She had forgotten the concept of safety, of happiness. She had forgotten that she used to have a normal life. It was like a distant dream now. Her world had turned blacker than black.

Once she had tried to kill herself, by choking her neck to the chains that had bound her. But somebody saw her and stopped her seconds before she lost consciousness. One of the bodyguards beat her up afterwards, then she was taken to a different room, a cleaner room which smelled like a clinic. To her surprise, she saw one of her rapists was there to examine her wounds. He must be a doctor of some kind. He treated her wounds and injected her with some medicine. Then she woke up and found that she was back in that rotten hole again.

They would let her and the other girl rest and sleep. The food was not bad, even the toilet and shower were clean with soap, shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste. They even provided them with hairbrush and sanitary pad if some girls got their period, a relief which meant that they would have a break for a few days. If she refused to wash, the bodyguards would wash her roughly.

Sometimes, that was the only way she could tell that it was another day. Washing up also meant that soon, they would take her to see those men. She had lost track of how many men there were. She thought she could see some of their faces more than once, but after a while, they all looked the same. After a while, she lost all meaning.

One time, she and the girl who had been kept with her had tried to get out. They had pried open air ducts above them, but that was too small. So, they tried to break through the toilet. But those were useless attempts. They got caught and was tortured worse than the usual. The guards were almost there all the time, never letting them enough time to explore the large dark place.

The Venus Trap - COMPLETED (The 1st Installment of The Derek Welsh Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now