Chapter 22

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Tuesday 10th

The other man was calm, but his brilliant blue eyes were staring icily to the guy who was harassing Rita. His voice was deep and low but there was full on authority in it. His whole stature screamed power and the guy who was grabbing Rita went pale as if he'd seen a ghost. He let go of Rita's arms quickly. Rita followed the guy's movements with her eyes. With a gulp, he mumbled something that Rita couldn't make out and dashed away half running to the opposite side of the room. Then she looked back at her rescuer.

"Just so you know ... I've had it perfectly under control...." Rita claimed to the man standing before her, after the guy who was harassing her before was out of sight.

The man didn't reply back immediately. He was just staring at her in a way that made her really nervous.

And Rita had NEVER felt nervous in her entire life.

"I'm sure you were, Miss. Let me guess, you must be new here," he finally spoke.

His voice was deep and stern, yet still seductive.

"Let me guess, you must be the boss here," Rita answered back, surprise with her own cockiness against this mysterious yet fascinating man in front of her.

Something in the back in her mind was screaming "Watch out!" but this was too interesting to pass. Rita was no fool. If this man had noticed even the smallest sign that she didn't belong here, she would be in great danger.

He scoffed a little, tilted his head a little bit. This new angle accentuated his high cheekbones and the shiny artificial sky above shone the sharp, straight line that shaped his nose. His lips were lush and thick. But his eyes were the ones that made her difficult to breathe. They were both beautiful and terrifying. Rita had known many beautiful men before. Her boss was one of them, but this man was something else.

"The Boss?" he repeated Rita's words, cocking one eyebrow. "How did you make that conclusion?"

"Well first of all, you made that bozo ran away without even raising a voice. Either you have a really bad B.O're the big boss," answered Rita.

She was really pushing her luck here. For a moment there she had forgotten all about Oggy and why she was there. The man didn't smile at her attempt to make jokes. Instead, he nodded slowly, frowning a little bit. Those icy blue eyes still locked at Rita's.

"So? How are you enjoying yourself so far? You seemed quite content before the bozo arrived," he asked.

His articulation was sharp and clear. He took one step closer to Rita. He was lithe with a toned body. He was not as tall as Derek but tall enough to make Rita looked up if she didn't want to break eye-contact with him. He was wearing a straight khaki pants and a crisp white shirt. His sleeves were half-rolled and the top button of his shirt was unbuttoned.

His hair was dark brown, thick and wavy, not too long and not too short. His shoes were those of expensive pairs, classic shape, black with shining leather. Despite his effort to look laid-back by the way he dressed, Rita could tell that this was a man who liked to put it together.

Rita could see his slightly freckled skin and was close enough to inhale his delicious cologne. She started imagining him with a complete suit and tie. Then she started imagining him taking the clothes off one by one. He was getting so close now that Rita now could see his thick and curled eye lashes. His eyes were eyeing Rita's face, down to her neck, and lower to her plunging neckline blue electric dress that covered only little of her breasts. Rita felt herself slightly dizzy.

"Yes, I am. Too much, in fact. If I weren't so blown away by that blue sky and the fake sun above, I wouldn't let my guard down and let that jerk sneaked up on me like that," she answered.

The Venus Trap - COMPLETED (The 1st Installment of The Derek Welsh Trilogy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora