Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Lena


Your walking down the hall to your dorm. You were so excited, you had just made it into the master course as an idol! Not only that but you didn't have to work with anybody else because you were a composer as well! Shining had decided to lift the ban on romance so you and Ai hooked up. All was going well, or so you thought. Little did you know that in 1 year and 9 months later, you were going to change.

*Time Skip~ (2 years)*

*knock, knock, knock*

You stopped your practice and went to answer the door. Ranmaru stood on the other side and looked down at you with his normal angry expression.

"What. Do. You. Want?" You asked angrily.

"Ringo sent me. We have newbies that he wants you to meet." He replied

You sighed angrily and told him to hold on while you got changed out of you pajamas.

A moment later you opened the door dressed in your usual (f/c) tank top and leather jacket, with your (f/c), ripped, skinny jeans and your (f/c) combat boots. That wasn't the scary part. The scary part was your make up. You had put you (f/c) eyeliner and mascara on thick with your (f/c) lipstick on. Your (h/c) hair was up in a high ponytail. You looked up at him to notify him that you were ready to leave. He looked down at you and smirked then started walking away. You ran to catch up with him because you had to lock your door.

By the time you caught up with him you were at the edge of the dormitory. You had a brilliant idea! You looked up and motioned him down so you could whisper your idea to him.

"I have an idea!" You said, "we should walk in holding hands and see how long we can make them believe that we are dating!" You look up at him smiling. He shrugged and took your hand blushing slightly.

"By the way, I'm still mad at you for interrupting me." You said looking at him angrily.

You guys had barely walked into the 'family room' when Ringo said

"____! There you are we've been waiting!" In his cheerful way that you hate.

"Great, I'm here. Now what do you want? You better talk quickly." You say, annoyed.

Looking at you surprised because of you attitude he asked,

"____, are you still sad because Ai-chan broke up with you?" He asked.

That put you over the edge. You let go of Ranmaru's hand and ran to Ringo and grabbed his collar. From there you lifted him off the ground, a look of pure hate in your eyes.

"If you bring that up again, 'accidents' will happen."

You raise your your tightly clenched fist, but before you release you feel a hand on your shoulder. You look back and stare into Ranmaru's mismatched eyes. They were saying one word. The word that would save your career if you listen to what he is saying. The word was


You listened. You look at Ringo, and let go of him. Ranmaru grabs your hand and walks you back to your spot next to him. The room is now silent except for Ringo's and Hyuuga's footsteps echoing down the hall as they leave.

(5 minutes later)

Everybody is still silent. Not a sound has been made. You look up at Ranmaru and see that he is getting impatient. You decide to speak.

"Is everybody just going to stand here like a bunch of dead fish or is somebody going to get this show on the road?!?" You yell. Getting madder as every precious minute passes by. You are hoping that Reiji will speak up and do what ever needs to get done. Sadly, he, like everybody else just stands there.

(5 minutes later)

You are super ticked off now. You squeeze Ran's hand and let go. Your footsteps echoing across the room while you walk to the middle.

"Ok, fine. I will get this stupid thing done with. Find your roommate from the academy and stand next to each other forming three groups of two." You say, anger laced in your voice.

They did as you asked. You pointed to Masato, and motioned for him and Ren to come over to you. They walked up to you, and you pointed at Ran telling them that he was their senior. They walked over to him and he led them out of the room.

You pointed at Syo, him and Natsuki walked over to you. You pointed, without looking, at Ai. They nodded and walked to him and he, like Ran, led them to their room. With out having to be told, Ittoki and Tokiya walked toward Reiji. He smiled at them and they walked out.

You walk to the door and looked back at Haruka. You smile at her, and motion for her to follow you. Reluctant she follows you out.

On the way to her room you decide to spark a conversation.

"So, Haruka-san, are you liking the Master Course so far?"

"Yes, it's quite interesting, __(l/n)__-chan!" She smiled at you.

"Wait, if we are going to get along you need to know two things."

She looked at you confused.

"One, don't, ever, use an honorific after my name, it bugs the living day lights out of me, and two, I have a first name, please use it. My name is ____." You say in a kind tone.

She nods, and smiles.

"Oh, look, we're here." You smile at her and open the door, "your new home." You hand her the key.

"I am right next door, and the cool thing is, is that we share a bathroom." You smile at her and walk to your room.

"Thank you, ____!" You hear her say before you close your door.

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