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Brrrrrring! Brrrrrrring! Brrrrring!

Jordan's alarm went off. It was Friday morning.

"Aaahh I don't want to get up." Jordan muttered sleepily.

She pushed the snooze button and then rolled over an went back to sleep.

"JORDAN IT'S TIME TO LEAVE WHERE ARE YOU!?!" Jordan's dad yells up the stairs.

"Aaaaaahhhh!" Jordan screamed.

For some reason her alarm didn't go off again and Jordan had slept another hour an a half.



Jordan quickly raced into the bathroom. She slopped on her makeup, threw her hair up in a bun, and quickly put on a t-shirt and some jeans with converse.

"Bye Jordy!" Jordan's dad called to her as her dropped her off at school. Jordy was the nickname he gave Jordan when she was really little and she absolutely hated that name!

"Bye daddy poo!" She teased back.

Chuckling he drove away leaving Jordan running into school.

Racing into English she got there just in time.

"Today we are going to be talking about poetry." Mrs Mills, the English teacher started saying.

Jordan leaned down and started going through her backpack looking for a pencil when someone threw a bawled up piece of paper at her.

"Ow" she whispered.

She slowly opened the note so Mrs Mills couldn't hear the crinkling of the paper. It read: Hey Jordan, can we talk after class? Signed Darren. Jordan quickly wrote a quick sure and then tossed it back to Darren.

After class Jordan was packing up her stuff when Darren came over.

"Hey what's up?" Jordan asked.

"I kinda need some advice...." He answered quietly.

"Well ask away." Jordan answered with an amused look on her face.

"Well.... You know how me and Mercedes used to like each other and all last year?"

"Yeah." You see Darren and Mercedes liked each other for most of the year last year and they hung out all the time and talked but they never really went out.

"Well.... I think I'm starting I like her again." Darren said even quieter.

Chuckling Jordan answered, "Awe, well are you going to ask her out?"

"NO!" He answered louder.

"She doesn't like me back, I know that so I'm just going to not do anything about it. I just had to tell someone." Darren answered softly.

"Awe that's so sweet that you thought of me." Jordan answered sincerely.

"Yeah well I have to go so later!" Darren answered.

As Darren walked away sadness crept into Jordan's eyes. Way deep down in her heart Jordan had liked Darren, out of all the guys at school she liked him. The only guy that she couldn't have. Shaking it off Jordan grabbed her stuff and headed to the next class. Mercedes and Darren were her friends and she wanted to help Darren. She was going to see if she could get Mercedes to like Darren.


Now what do you all think? (;

Is Jordan doing the right thing about Darren?

Drama is just around the corner!


AbbyNicole <3

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