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She ducks down as a metallic tendrils slams through a window as she blasts her venom stings at Otto Octavius, his other at defending him from it as they swing wildly at her.

"Where the hell is Spider-Man when you need him?" She murmurs to herself as she jumps around trying to get a hit on him.

"Foolish Spiderwoman, my new arms are faster and more durable than the last variations, you on the other hand seem to be getting slower with age." He grins as he finds a opening and slams one of his arms into her side causing her to collapse to the ground.

She tries to get up but one of his arms grabs her knee length hair and the others pin her against the wall.

*Shit! I can't move, but he can't do much with his normal self.*   Jessica ponders her next move till his arms fling her into a building, letting him escape long enough.

"Damnit! He got away!" Jessica said. She escaped using her webs and got away.

She came to a point and made a quick turn around a corner, too quick. Her hair got in her face and she crashed into the ground.

She tied her hair in a bun and tried to go home once again. This success was short-lived, as not long had passed before she crashed again, and again, and again.

At last, she decided there was no choice, she didn't want to, she loved her hair, but it got in her way so much that it made it near impossible to fight crime. She would need somebody to help her in her issue, so she thought she'd call on her good friend Carol Danvers to help her... With a haircut...

Her mind swam with possibilities, should she go back length? Shoulder length? Bob length? Pixie?! Buzzcut?!!?!?

She didn't know, but what she did know is that it had to happen. She's seen Carol rock a pixie, she looks good with any hairstyle. Maybe she would take her advice...

She had made it to Carol's place, she'd brought scissors, clippers and more. Knowing Carol though, she probably already has some. Carol was one to usually trim down her hair, it wasn't going to grow very long ever again so she might as well keep it short and not in the way.

Carol heard a knocking on her door. She crept to the door and looked through the peephole to see who was on the other side. With a sigh of relief she realised it was her good friend Jessica, or Spider-Woman. She opened the door right away and they greeted eachother with a hug.

"So what brings you here Jessica" Carol asked.

"Well, I know you have experience in this sort of... Thing. And... Well..."

She didn't know how she would explain so to show her she got the scissors and clippers out from her pocket, one in each hand and held them out to Carol. Carol nodded her head and showed her in.

"I know what you want me to do, Jessica, but why? I made this mistake once and regretted it ever since." Carol said remorsefully. "You have to be absolutely sure you want to make this cut. You have almost floor length luscious black hair for god's sakes. Anyone else would die for such beauty."

"*Sniffle* I know, Carol. But I have to. It's the only way. It's a real struggle to fight crime when every few seconds you're blinded by yourself."

"I understand." Carol said, feeling bad for what she was about to do. "How short are you going then, Jessica?"

"Bob length. Then there will still be something to do stuff with. Make it a sharp one. I've seen other people rock sharp bobs, why can't I?"

"Oh, you can. I know you can, but are you sure about this. Long hair suits any woman more."

"I'm sure, Carol."

Carol felt like a surgeon with all these haircutting tools. One bad move and the operation is ruined. She had to be quick, precise, and contain her tears and excitement. Though she loved Jessica's long hair, she also loved being the one cutting the hair of another woman or herself.

Carol went in with the scissors. *Snip snip snip*. A massive chunk, 3 or 4 foot of her hair lay on the ground. Everywhere. The lamp-light shone down on it, highlighting how shiny it is. It was black, dark, like the night, but even then it lay there on the ground lit up by the light.

"Oh I don't want to look Carol!" Jessica said in distress, almost brought to tears.

"There, there, Jessica. It's just hair, it'll grow back, and on top of that, now you'll be even more of an effective crime fighter."

"Oh I know, Carol. It's just... So different. My head feels so much lighter, too much lighter."

"It'll be fine. Not much more to go now Jessica."

"Ok... Well I guess we should get it over with then."

Carol decided she'd use clippers to get a precise angle for the sharp bob Jessica requested. *Bzzzzzz* she pressed the clippers to the hair. She went in again and again until it was done. *Bzzzzzz bzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzz*.

"Well then Jessica, that should be it."

"Oh God I don't want to look."

"You actually look... Really good, Jessica. It fits you perfectly."

"Do you think?"

"Of course I do, I wouldn't lie to you. Check it out in the mirror."

Jessica looked in the mirror. She did look really good with this sharp bob. Carol did a good job with it. She looked drop dead gorgeous, even if she didn't want to admit it.

"Thank you for this Carol."

"Thank you for letting me do it, Jessica. I'm happy you came to me for advice and to do it instead of someone else."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2020 ⏰

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