Chapter 5

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I ran and kept running till I started to recognize the different buildings around me. It made my chest feel lighter but I couldn't slow down now. Joker already has busted up a few of my little rings but not all of them. Haha! I make it a large rusty warehouse. I bust throught the doors, no one bats an eye at me as I weave in and out of empolyees. I head up the stairs to the foreman office. Tommy is sitting at the chair watching everyone. He sees me and smirks as he leans back in his chair.

"Someone's in trouble." He swings his cell phone in his hand back and forth. Ignoring him I open up the storage closet and pulls out some black dress slacks, a long sleeved white button down, a red tye and my black fedora. I quickly change leaving my shirt untucked. No need to bind my breats and hips since everyone knows now thanks to that damn clown fish!

"What the fuck you talking about Tommy boy?" I growl looking over to him as I fix my tye. He gulps and looks down sheepishly and mumbles, "Sabrina has been calling for you....she's really pissed off..."

I freeze in place and sigh hearing my wifes name. My little hand is held out to him motioning for him to hand the phone over. Before you judge me, I'm bisexual anf yes Sabrina knew Crazed Caddy was a chick. It turned her one when I dressed like a man and even more so when I used my authority. We've been together about eight years now. She had watched me as a street rat grow into who I am today. God, the way the fire and passion burned in her eyes when she was angry reminded me of a Goddess. It always struck me strange that a Goddess would choose a squatty fat fuck like myself. I smile as I dial her number and listen to it ring.

"WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN CADDY?!!?!?" She screams through the phone at me, I have to pull it away from my ear.

"Baby listen.." She cuts me off, "DON'T YOU TRY TO SMOOTH TALK ME (Y/N). I am your wife. The only good thing in your life. What's more important than me?" She sounded like she wanted to cry and rip my throat out at the same time. I inhaled deeply through the teeth before relaxing my shoulders and speaking in a softer tone.

"Look bad shit happened. I was kidnapped and almost killed. Baby I need you to lock the doors and everything. Dont answer for anyone. No fucking one." My voice started to raise despite me trying. "Daddy needs to fix some stuff before it's safe again for us."

"I swear to god you better come home alive. I love you." She started to cry, I nodded and chewed my lip as if she could see me.

"Yeah, you too." I hung up chucking the phone at Tommy and snarled as I demanded, "Call everyone. We take the Clown down tonight."

Starting right on it, I reach back into the closet for my black dress jacket and pull it on. In the heart pocket was a folded up picture I kept of Sabrina. I pull it out gingerly unfolding it and stared at her vibrant white smile. Her mocha skin was always so soft against my own. Her hazel eyes made the last part of humanity in me melt into a pool. Her beautiful black curly hair that always bounced when she moved, my wife was definitely my Goddess. A Goddess who married a complete fool.

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