Chapter 7 - The Inner Demon

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"Kianna and Neims, stay here," Nico commanded, eyeing the two of us and gestured the others to follow him outside.

I sighed, I'm not useless anymore, but I can't really know what I can do or how I should use and control my ability. Plus this arm is bugging me. I held it up in the light to examine it.

I exhaled through my nose. "Still black huh. I wonder when you'll disappear," I said to no one in particular and head sat next to Kianna on the now bed turned couch.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey," Kianna replied.

"Are you feeling a bit sad that you don't get to fight?" I asked her and she looked at me.

"Let's see," She then shrugged. "Naaah. I'm quite fine with it. I mean it's as if I can do anything out there. I am only able to get past through things, and my fencing won't help one bit. Nightwalkers and Daydreamers are different creatures. While Daydreamers are still humans with infection, Nightwalkers, on the other hand, turned into something vicious. They gave up being human and succumbed to their primal and wild instincts."

Well true, but I can't take being a freeloader. Since they found me, the only thing I was good at was hiding, running, and being totally useless while they protected and saved me. When I finally helped them by saving them in the lab from Dr. Daphne, it gave me a sense of purpose. I can finally be of use. I can finally save my friends, be helpful, and not be a dead weight in the crew anymore.

I clenched my jaw and balled my fist. I can't stay here.

As a compulsive twat, I stood up, with my peripheral vision I saw Kianna look at me with shock, concern, and confusion plastered in her face.

"I can't just sit here anymore. I have to do something," I said and found myself walking to the door, opening it, and stepping outside. I could hear Kianna's protest behind me.

"I can help! Let me help you!" I said once I got out and instantly a body flew past me and the RV. I stepped away from the body and surveyed my surroundings.

Delton is on top of a miniature tornado, using it to swing and fling aside Nightwalkers while lifting chunks of trees and big rocks to hurl some of them to the incoming Nightwalkers.

Nico has his seven white dark matter blade-like particles around him, making them fly and stab Nightwalkers attacking him and shifting them to a shield from time to time if a Nightwalker got past his soaring blades.

From the far side, Jwi isn't holding her katana. Instead, she is trying to drown the Nightwalkers in the soil by making the soil viscous while making some Nightwalkers explode using the moisture in the air and her use of friction to spark combustion. She saw me and shouted. "Get back inside!"

"Let me help!" I yelled back.

"Watch out!" I heard Nico warn but before I could react, I had already been tackled by a Nightwalker. Then its friends immediately came over and just started dragging me to god knows where by my feet.

I tried grabbing the dirt or kicking the Nightwalkers pulling me but there was no way they'd let me go. I was being dragged by these creatures to nowhere, my friends won't get me any minute now.

I got nothing else to lose. Time to test Delton's theory about my Radiant.

I grabbed a piece of wood on the ground. I tried to focus and racked my brain for stock knowledge about chemical components, molecular structures, and whatnot. Now, with the stick in my hand, I tried to will it to burst in flames—everyone knows that the formula for fire is fuel + oxygen + heat. I concentrated despite the fact that it's hard when you're being dragged and your head is hitting bumps and rocks.

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