💗Actually In The Infermery💗

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Sooooo... Sorry I haven't updated in like a week, I've been reading soooooo many fics. Ive also been staying up late, so I'm exhausted at all tines. But here's an update I hope you like it.

Nico's POV:

I was skipping happily to the infermery, because I now have a reason to go!!! I walked in really quietly so I could scare Will. I walked up and covered his eyes " Nico what the HELL, I could have been helping a patient!" will said slightly annoyed. "But you weren't" I said with a slight smirk on the face. Will came closer and kissed me lightly on the nose, which I totally looked like a tomato when he did. Then he said softly in my ear " What happened this time Sunshine?"   I couldn't tell him that Percy pushed me, even though I asked him, Will would MURDER him!... "I, umm t-tr-triped" I lied. He looked at me, then excepted it, as the truth. "3 days in the infermery, Death Boy." "Ugh, fine" I act like I don't want to, even though I definitely do. He sets me down on the bed, he kisses my head "Get some rest, Death Breath." I can't sleep so I watch my totally HOT boyfriend treat other patients.


Will's POV:

"Well it's about time you woke up" I say smiling my adorable boyfriend. "I'm hungry" Nico whines, "Well you're in luck, I got you some food during dinner." He finishes eating and there isn't anyone else to treat, so I lay down next to the son of Hades. He immediately cuddles in to my chest and fries to keep going even though there is definitely no way he can get closer, but it's cute. Before we knew it we were both sound asleep. Then around 1 am, I woken up by Nico screaming. " What's wrong?" I ask sleepily, " I-I was b-b-back in Tartarus" his eyes well up with tears. He starts to cry and I pull into me and I say " don't worry, no one or thing can hurt now". He starts to calm down, I thought he would say something else, but he was already back asleep. I lay next to him cuddled in, and we sleep the rest of the night like this.

Tata for now!!!


PS I didn't proof read this, cause I'm waaaaay too lazy to do THAT! Also sorry for this shity ass piece of shit, but in my defense I can't write ANYTHING.....so.....yeah!

Solanelo in The Infermery Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora