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We sat back were Bailee and I were originally sitting. "Sheyanne, you should see this guy!" Bailee said to Sheyanne. "Where?" She asked. "He's not here at the moment, but he was in that car that was leaving as you came." I informed. "Oh yeah! The guy in the back?" Sheyanne wondered. "Yeah, did you see him?" I said. "I saw a little bit of him, its dark so it was a little hard to." She replied. "Yeah well he's hot." Bailee stated. I got a bottle of champagne out of the fridge for us three girls to have.

We were sitting on the stairs that got up to the pool and watched the party continue, the DJ was playing good music, there was a photo booth there, food! It was going great, and I kept wanting to know more about this guy. He was just so intriguing. I noticed that he was talking to Josh, again! Once their conversation had finished, I yelled out to Josh to come over to us. He walked over and sat on the stairs. "Who's that guy?" I pointed to him. "That guy?" He pointed as well. I nodded. "Thats Mitch. Mitch come here!" He yelled over to him. "Josh! Im not ready to talk to him!" I blushed. He walked over

"Mitch. Girls." Josh sort of introduced him to us. "Hey, Im Mitch, you are?" He asked Bailee. "Im Bailee." "Im Sheyanne." They replied, he gently shook their hands. He looked at me, "And you are?" he asked. "Im Zoe." and shook my hand with direct eye contact. "Well, Ill be back and leave you's to it." Josh said and walked off. "So Mitch, how are you?" I asked. He seemed so mature and kind... and sweet. And caring. Its like he really listened to you when you spoke. "So how old are you's?" He questioned. "Im 16." Said Bailee. "Im 16 as well." Sheyanne told. He looked at me. "Im still only 15..." I looked down and smiled. "How old are you?" I looked up. "Im 17 years old." Mitch said. i smiled at him because he was smiling at me. "Nice. Im going to get another beer, I'll come back soon." He informed.

Time was going by so quickly at the party. We were getting photos taken in the photo booth, kept drinking daiquiris and champagne, dancing to the music, eating. We were having so much fun. I kept dancing and danced over to my dad while Bailee and Sheyanne sat back on the stairs. My dad was pretty drunk. He's funny when he's drunk though. My dad kept trying to push me to o dance with Mitch because he was dancing near us too. And then Jenna's mum pushed Mitch towards me, so we sort of bumped into each other. He wanted to dance with me, so I danced with him. Im going to admit it, I'm not the best dancer so I was awkwardly dancing. He was trying to say something to me. But it was too loud to hear him. He grabbed my arm gently and took me to a couch where we could talk in peace.

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