Chapter 1

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Alex sprinted through the forest, Aven was right behind her 
“ALEX, come back here” Aven roared closing in on her
Alex moved faster the trees whizzing past her, in the clearing was a cliff, she musted all her energy and Meyarin blood and lept off the cliff. Surely Aven isn’t going to jump after me She thought as she plummeted down. The water grew closer and within a matter of seconds, she was in the ice-cold water. 

Alex swam to get a breath but was smashed down as Aven fell on top of her. Alex summoned A’enara and held it as best as she could underneath the water. Aven growled and came straight at her pulling a dagger out of its sheath. The two of them fought blade clashing underwater. The water churned them around like it was trying to stop the fight. Aven moved forwards, in a blur he was upon her. Searing pain exploded in her shoulder where Aven had stabbed her, the blade had lodged itself in her skin. 

Aven grabbed her arm and threw Alex out of the water, She looked at the blade and saw it was coated in a brown murky liquid "s-snarpha blood" the words studded out of her mouth and Aven grinned "yes" his voice was dark but smooth "and you seem to have a slight reaction" he walked over to her and picked her body up. Alex struggled against him but he was still stronger than her, he had years of training than she did. " Aven" she stared into his golden eyes "and why would I do that?" he replied with a mocking grin "argggg" she yelled at him glaring, Alex summoned A'enara and before he could stop her, she cut across his chest. Aven cried out in pain and dropped her. Alex punched his chest putting sanarpha blood across the wound. Aven glared at her as he screamed in pain.

Alex got up and took off in the forest not looking back. Her body was shivering from the water but it was also screaming out in pain. Alex realised that the blade was still in her back, ignoring it she moved forwards. Up ahead she saw the outskirts of Meya

Alex burst out of the forest, as the gates came closer her vision blacken. Alex stumbled but got back up and moved towards the gates. "h-help" the words fell out of her mouth but as a whisper. Alex staggered forwards and fell, the effects of the sanarpha blood were kicking in. "h-help" she whimpered again reaching out to anyone. A warm hand grabbed hers "Alex, it's okay I’m here" Kaiden’s voice echoed in her ears and she thought she had imagined it "d-don't try to trick me Aven i-i know it's yo-" Alex couldn’t manage to get the last words out as her eyes rolled back into her head "ALEX" was the last thing she heard 

Alex woke up but kept her eyes closed. She was on a warm bed and fingers were playing with her hair "w-who is it" her voice was sharp but with a sleepy edge to it. A soft callused finger met her lips to tell her to shush "quiet you need your rest" instantly Alex recognized the voice as Kaidens and she smiled weakly which earned her a chuckle "w-what happened" she racked her head around her brain trying to remember how she had got here "you got a blade that was coated in snarpha blood in your shoulder " Hearing this boosted Alex's memory and the scene came flooding in she sat straight up her eyes flying open panicked to instantly be pushed down by a strong pair of arms "Alex relax please you need to let the medicine work it's magic" Kaidens voice rang in her ears "Yes dad" she relaxed and he chuckled "I'm not sure what your dad would think of that" Alex sighed in response and then turned her head to look at Kaiden "I kno-" she started but was instantly cut off by Kaiden "Alex please rest we can talk about this later" She nodded and then pulled the covers up drifting off to sleep hands still playing with her hair.

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