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Can you forget someone who once felt like sunlight falling through trees, like laughter that breaks through sadness, like a breeze on a too-warm day, like clarity in the midst of confusion. Someone who not only rejoiced in your joy but also held you in your lows. Can you forget someone like that?

The answer is you don't, you can't.

They cloud your line of vision, taking too much space in your fist sized heart. You neither can sweep the the overwhelming emotions you fell for them like you sweep dirt under the rug and nor can you move past the wrong they have done to you, the suffering, the pain, the loss of lover are often the hardest to let go of.

And even when the pain subsides, your heart betrays you into believing into getting your 'happily ever after'. Although the hope is a man's greatest treasure but too much of it can cause a hurricane.
When the dark cloud of your thoughts makes you question everything about yourself, it becomes necessary to liberate yourself from the impending doom that awaits you. You have to get going, you have to understand that sometimes you outgrow yourself, you change paths and dream different dreams. And that's okay.

And if in that course you manage to find someone who would understand your need for change; who would ease you out of your baggages; who would at once make you fall in love with every new fiber in you all over again; who would pull you out from the darkness and bring you into the light; The one who will take you back home
Don't run from this, rather be grateful that you've found the connection again.

The crazy thing about love is that you can't ever escape it.
It might happen that this new love walks in your life in a voice you haven't heard before, a face unrecognisable.
You might trust them instantly like its second nature.
And although they are not the world, but they will feel like they are everything that makes the world good. Without them, your life will still exist, but that’s all it will manage to do.

This might sound foreign to you now but I'm very sure that this will definitely happen and it will rejuvenate every tissue in you.
It is surely going to happen that someone will become your home again, your safe haven this time.

Be thankful that you allowed yourself to breathe and move past a toxic relationship. Be thankful that you gave life another chance, to give you reasons to be happy and wholesome. Be thankful for the way your true lover discovered you, in ways you didn't know yourself.

Just be thankful and walk ahead with clarity, charm and confidence.

Give life a try, let life write and rewrite your story.

The One Who Kissed My ForeheadTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon