the journal: the first entry

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Dear Mercury, the friendly ghost

Today was a good day. It is the fifth of march, year eighteen sixty-two.

 Mrs. Paisles Pig gave birth to a whole farrow of piglets! I begged mother to let me have one and she said possibly. but she also said "seulement si vous faites toute la cuisine du mois prochain." 

("only if you do all the cooking for the next month")

I suppose that's maman talk for "it's never going to happen". 

If you're wondering why I'm writing this in English it because this is a brand-new journal! And were studying English this upcoming term as the main core class. I thought I'd start writing in English.  

Maman's English friend stopped by for a chat and a cup of tea today. They spent a whole hour drinking tea and eating scones! He left at a quarter till three! The way he says goodbye is always funny. He takes his hat off and tips his head, "bonne journée, Madame, Mademoiselle." He tries to say, but for some reason it always comes out choppy, like his tongue can't properly voice the words. I know there is probably a word for that, I however do not remember it. 

"Ne jugez pas aujourd'hui, ce que vous n'apprendrez que demain!" That's what Mademoiselle Young is always saying. 

Turns out Monsieur Haut-de-forme has a lisp, something that impairs the sound of his voice. Mademoiselle Young was correct, "Don't judge today, what you won't learn until tomorrow."

The sun is setting, It's a pretty view. especially since it's going to rain tomorrow. Leopold is by my side keeping me warm.  I am to turn in, dinner was duck and broccoli. I hate broccoli. 

bonne nuit, mercury, le fantôme amical 

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