Taken to new heights

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Chapter 4: Taken to new heights

After I saw that night fury I went to my bag and grabbed my shield, put on my helmet and got my flame sword. I dashed past a few kids only to realise it was the five from earlier. They looked at me and laughed again teasing my armour and helmet while also having a laugh at my leg.

"Look he lost a normal leg and grew a peg leg" said Josh my cousin.

I turned my head forward and kept running. I made it to cove and slowly walked to the lakes edge. I sighed because I couldn't see the night fury and turned around. My sight was black and as I looked up I saw it was the night fury staring down at me.

"Hey there big guy, how you going? I'm not going to hurt you I promise".

I wanted to tame it but I didn't know how to so I stuck out my hand. He growled so I brang it back his eyes looked like puppy dogs and his teeth disappeared. I stared in wonder but quickly got focused again and stuck my hand to try again. He growled so I turned my head away and stretched my hand forward. I waited a while before......


We decided to go follow Elyas because he looked like he was up to something. We reached a cove with a small lake. I spotted Elyas and behind was a giant black beast. I was gonna scream out but Daniel stopped me and told me to just watch. Elyas turned around and stuck out his hand but the dragon growled. It was quite loud to hear from where we were hiding. Elyas took his hand back but quickly stuck it out again and turned his head. The dragon stared for a while and then put his nose against Elyas' hand.


I turned around and smiled at the night fury. He looked at me slightly confused and started raising his lips. Once he got it high and enough I could tell he was giving me a smile. He looked at my foot and gave me those puppy dog eyes again. I could tell he was sorry for what he done.

"No dont worry about that i got another leg now hehe" i said and gave him a scratch behind the ear.

He then picked me up and threw me on his back. He looked up and sprang into the air. I held onto his neck tightly and screamed "Oh my gods this is amazing but scary at the same time".

He dived down only to pull up at the last second. So many thoughts were going through my head and this when I decided to call him darkstorm. I know it might sound dumb but I didn't want to copy Hiccup and call him toothless.

So I screamed " Darkstorm no more crazy flying" and he looked up happy that I named him and he stopped his roller coasting flight and just glided through the clouds.

I put my hand in the air to touch the clouds and darkstorm just looked around as well. We both thought it looked beautiful. I told darkstorm to fly back to Berk and he turned around and with great speed, sped to the cove. I got off and realised it was night so it told darkstorm to stay here and I walked off to Hiccup house.


We snuck to the cove and looked for that dragon Elyas was riding earlier. We soon found it sleeping hanging off a tree snoring away. I heard Alex step on a twig and the dragon dropped off the tree landing on its legs facing us. Joshua was up in the tree and dropped a massive rock on the back of its tail. The dragon pulled and his back left tail wing ripped off. He shot a fireball at us and we ducked. We ran out of the cove and hid in our houses.


I heard darkstorm roar loudly. He must be annoyed I decided to sleep instead of check on him.

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