Midas Backstory Concept PT1

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Anyway i started developing it all p much early season when i made a joke about how Midas looks like an Edgy Gold Flare with no rattail.

In the end i came to the conclusion that i should make them brothers smh 🤠✌

So then i started developing further and this is kinda going off as unusual but wAAYS BACK IN SEASON 9, Dan pointed out that Flare looks like a Radioactive new modern Masterkey.

And since Beardy Jonesy came out the bunker in the trailer, some people meanwhile that 10 years passed and i kinda went with that. So i always said Flare is Masterkeys Radioactive Teenage son smh.

You know just for fun ✌😶

Adding up Midas to that: That would make him his son as well and i connected the fact that Masterkey is a keeper of GOLDEN GLOWING keys (keep these two words in mind)

So i scribbled up a few notes and connections and started writing.

Starting from that: beginning with Midas' birth.

Since Masterkey is an Adventurer, he probably got into a lot of struggles and deadly situations. So i had this thought of him standing against some sort of Temple God. Which is supposed to represent Oro (ya know that leaked gold skeleton skin) when he was still flesh and alive. Before managing to defeat Oro, he'd cause a curse onto MK. Which was unknown to that point. Shortly after, Midas was born. They noticed he could turn everything gold that he touched, already shortly after being born. That's why they called him Midas. Cause of the Midas Touch story. But when he turned older and touched a cat running by, the effects on the spot caused the cat to die since his touch turned them to entirely golden up. Now they finally realized his ability wasn't a blessing and added from MKs Golden Key ability, but infact was the curse from years ago.

So they made him wear protection gloves to not harm anything. Especially since they soon had another child which was Flare. Midas sometimes turned simple things gold whenever Flare asked for it to make him smile but also explained what it did to the living. He had a good relationship to him.

But soon at one night, Midas Ability had an overdrive and was uncontrolled. The more he panicked, the worse it got. When his mother tried to calm him, slowly approaching him, Midas pushed her away out of fear and reflex, accidentally touching the wrong spot. Right on her chest, resulting her to die as soon as her heart turned into a clumb of gold.

His Family told him it wasn't his fault, but for years he blamed himself for causing his mothers death.

With 17 years he ran away in the middle of the night, off of the island.

He started scouting cities as a street kid but started turning various things into gold, selling them and soon becoming a rich teen. Whenever there were complications, he paid himself out. Which worked quite well since the city was obsessed with money and would let anything slide if the price was high enough. Small little Millionaire.

(I inserted a self created character here, i usually don't do that but i had to for this one 🤠)

A while after, a woman named Aya Aisakawa got notice of him and decided to pay him a visit.

She is supposed to be the previous Boss of the Agency.

So one day, Aya and some guardmen, Brutus was one of them- came up to his apartment in one of the most expensive and exclusive buildings of the city. She asked him how he managed to get to all of this with just 17 years old. If he stole or killed. Midas just responded with "if i did that, you would've probably heared about a robbery or murder in the news before. Or due other companions, isn't it so.. Agent?"

Aya liked his spice and serious backfire and when she asked for an explanation again, Midas was ready to show her. With only one pray of them not locking him away like a monster.

When he showed her by turning a bobby pin of her into solid gold, she was impressed and asked more about the ability. Leastly when Midas came to the part that if he touched any living being, it could cause complications, amputations or even death.

She got this idea of hiring him as a hitman and offered him a well sitting place. Midas could've denied the deal. He could have had a quiet life, rich for a lifetime. But he, himself didn't see himself as such kind of guy. So he'd reply with "if this ability is already a plague to me, it wouldn't be a bother if it could be a help for others. My own Death wouldn't give me any other achievement than success anyway."

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