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So he joined the Agency as a recruit in the Special Unit along with Maya and TnTina. He started to befriend them and Grow really close to the boss. Sort of an own kid as well.

2 years later, he was 19 when Alter attacked the Agency and now here comes a little side information which is a little important.

Aya was not just the previous boss of the Organisation, but also married to the man the Chaos Agent was before he turned into what he is now. They had a kid, which in this case is Sorana. When Sorana was 9, her Dad transformed into such monstrosity and kidnapped her. Aya never saw Sorana again. But when that happened, she was already pregnant with another Child of him. Which was Skye. She married another man and raised Skye meanwhile that.

Back to the plot. The Chaos Agent and Sorana who is now 18 while Skye is 9, attack the Agency and Sorana manages to kill her own mother by shooting her in the chest. She then has a showdown with Midas.

Midas tries attacking her by taking his glove off and tries to reach out and touch her to turn part of her gold. But sorana instead is faster and makes him press his hand against a blade, the blade turning gold and cutting into his skin, his blood mixing and turning gold too, Midas thinking it would poison his blood. She then backs of and cuts his right face side, blinding him on one eye. When he's down, she escapes along with her monsterized father. Midas manages to crawl over to Aya and talk to her one last time before she asked. Her last wish to be turned gold by him to experience his ability in full form. He completed that wish and while turning her whole body gold, his functional eye started turning gold as well.

Then he passed out and was hospitalized.

In the hospital, after he woke up: Tina, Maya, Brutus and 9 year old Skye that Brutus saved out of the Alter raided house visited him. (She hid in the vents while Alter squads raided the house and killed her Stepfather)

Brutus explained him that Aya changed her testament a month before now, making Midas earn her position as the boss since he grew close as a son to him and since she doesn't want to pull Skye into it since she's still young. He is uncomfortable with the position but leastly takes it.

In the Present time Midas is 25 and Skye is now 15, joined his team on force of herself.

After Season 1 Ch2, Midas managed to charge down Sorana and Chaos Agt, keeping them locked away now.

He's back on the island now, looking for the remains of Oro, going back to the roots of his abilities and once he manages to rewoke him by turning him gold, he'll balance his ability and give him a new ability to turn livings to gold without causing them to die. (SORT OF LIKE A STAND HAHA NO JK)

And thats all :) sorry that was really long ksks anyway have some doodles of his backstory:

And thats all :) sorry that was really long ksks anyway have some doodles of his backstory:

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2020 ⏰

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