"Learning to Fly"-(9)

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(Thought a Pink Floyd song would be perfect for this chapter, but the song is not mine)

After all that happened in that freaky prison, Echo slept the entire next day. Home at last, she never thought she'd miss her run down, Brooklyn madhouse and her abusive foster father.  Rolling over, her spikes suddenly pierce her mattress and dig into aching back. "Augh." she whines, sitting up only to be met with a searing pain from her head and nose.

Her back still slightly ached from her wings, spikes and tail. The sheets and fur blanket drape off her warm body. Her wings stretch and adjust to her back as she rushes over to the dresser. A strange smell pours down her nose as Echo places her hand on her face. She looks in the mirror to see her nose dripping with odd black liquid. "What the?" She grabs a tissue and sticks it up her left nostril. Echo examines the runny black fluid on her fingers, it felt rather warm on her skin. It was almost like ink was coming out of her nose.

"They've turned my blood black?" She exclaims. Then Echo notices something else different about her. Her red eyes were as unique as they were, only now they seemed inhuman. Her pupils had become slits; like a snake's. She smiles at herself, noticing the small fangs and few extra pointed teeth on her top and bottom jaws. For a girl who's just been mutated into a dragon, She looked good!

Suddenly, a gurgling growl erupts from her stomach." Being in that freak fest, has given me a dragon sized apatite." She states, opening her bedroom door. Echo shuffles out the room, making her way down the creaky hallway. About half way she then comes to the conclusion of how her foster father will react to her new form. 'Hopefully he'll have a stroke or better yet drop dead.' she smirks to herself.

Her stomach then lets out another starving snarl. Echo still has no knowledge of how long she was in that mutant prison. She was unconscious for almost all of the horrifying experience. All she knew was that she couldn't remember when she last ate and she was so hungry.

Echo quietly tiptoes into the living room and  kitchen. "So, you're still alive?" She heard a familiar snarl. Echo greets her foster father with a hateful glare. He sat at the cluttered, mini breakfast bar, looking down at a beer bottle. Echo turns to the clock on the wall to check the time. 'It's ten o'clock in the morning, who drinks beer at ten o'clock.' Echo thought.

"Yes." She snarls.

"Well isn't that a shame, cause I was really looking forward to getting rid of you. You little stain. " Her foster father seethes. Echo snarls at him, her tail swaying growing quite irritated. He turns from the bar, and stands, walking away in the living room. Not yet noticing her.  " After you hopped your ass off to school, and didn't come back for three weeks. I was--" It was then he scowls up at Echo. His beer shattering onto the wood floor.

There standing before him was mutated Echo. Her new wings spread out and her spiked tail lashes back and forth. Her father's face streaked with fear and disbelief. "What's the matter, father? Is something wrong?" Echo smirks, letting out a gurgling growl.

"You're  some... kind of... demon." He stutters out. Unable to avert his eyes from her outstretched wings. Echo rolls her eyes. 'He's such a superstitious idiot.' She huffs. "Technically I'm a dragon." Echo corrects him, smartly.

Not wanting to find out anymore, her father begins to backs away from her. Echo steps closer with every one he takes, not that she was going to do anything to him. She just wanted to scare him. "Get back, you monster." He staggers, bumping into the armchair and tripping over the worn out rug. " Actually.... Father. You're the monster. Thanks for making my life a living hell." Echo then lets out a fearsome dragon roar.

That scared him straight! He turns around and makes a break for the door. As he struggles to find his keys in his pants pockets, Echo watches with her arms crossed in annoyance. Finally opening the door, he takes one quick look back at Echo. "Boo!" She yells, reaching up and baring her sharp claws. Her terrified foster father runs like a bat out of hell out the door and down the hall. Hopefully never to be seen again.

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