November 27, 2014

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Happy  Thanksgiving! Or as I like  to call it Food Day!

This year we had a family reunion at our cabin in Utah. My Grandma and step-grandpa cooked a delicious dinner.

The road to Utah wasn't as long as I expect but it did make me tired and the windy road was making me a little car sick.

I was sad about leaving Emma Lee our puppy behind but Aaron was going to drop by the house and feed her.

It was weird seeing my family again but I had loads of fun playing card games on the floor with my cousins.

Even though our cabin is big of course it wasn't large enough to fit our family. So we'll be overcrowded for the next few days.

Dad had editing to do so he brought along all his tech stuff to work on it and me on the other hand I have homework that I probably won't do. Sometimes it sucks that my dad's work takes up a lot of time but then again I love his job.

We stayed up till midnight playing Nertz, which might be my new secret addiction. I didn't text my friend Ruben too much which makes me sad but then again, he has a girlfriend so I shouldn't really have feelings for him in the first place.

It was amazing catching up with everyone, and who knows what tomorrow will bring.

BagansTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon