Chapter 1

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I could here body's hitting the ground the sickening sounds of flesh being torn by buttlets.

What was going on...

"S-Someone please help" my voice got weaker at the end and i don't even think the "please" could have been heard. "Admiral!?" That voice... I opened my mouth to try and respond but a scream ripped through my chest. A hot pain bursted in my head and I closed my eyes. A large Blast came from right in front of me just as a hand grabbed my shoulder, there was a huge thud as what sounded like a body connected with a wall.

I opened my eyes and there laying o the ground was one of my men. One of the boys I fought side by side with, he was just laying there. I tried to push myself up only to collapse back down when any pressure was placed on my arms. After a little while i pushed myself onto my knees but my face started to ach like something on my face was missing. I tried my best to ignore the pain long enough to get my man out of the war zone.

I put his arm over my shoulder and slowly pulled hm away his weight adding to the searing pain that ripped up my leg and into my heart as I collapsed back onto my knees.. I don't know how long we had been moving for but i saw another one of my men crawling away. He was moving slow and a trail of blood was leading up to him, i heard him groan and watched as he collapsed down onto his knees. I dragged us over to him and grabbed him as well.

It felt like days, but it couldn't have been neither of them had woken up my feet were aching ... i saw a large building in the distance just as it started to rain. A few more hours or so and we had finally reached to building. Shit. It's a collage. Oh well, in we go! I turned around and used my back to push the door open, and as soon as it was wide enough i fell to the floor taking the men down with me. My back slammed into the cold tile ground. I tried to look around but there was so much noise that i had to cover my ears, a woman walked up to us and stated talking. I uncovered my ears "oh my, what happened? " she asked her voice was rough but also silky, i opened my mouth but the doors burst open as my team of soldiers came rushing in, "admiral?!" Was the last thing i heard as i felt blood running down my face and everything went black.

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