The Fight

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Sturgeon came to me. "OK, you can wear whatever since we don't have any female uniforms." I nodded he walked away. Boots came over. "hey, I seen you looking at your wrists, why?" he asked. "oh I just scraped them a few days ago." I said. "can I saw?" he asked. "sure, but don't tell anyone. They're not from me. My brother's." I said. I showed him. There were some scars and some fresh ones. He looked shocked. He ran his thumb over them. I winced. He stopped. "your brothers?" he asked. I nodded. "my parents don't care. They let my brothers do it. They watch. They always watch it in pleasure. They never wanted a girl. But they weren't allowed to have an abortion." I said. "hey, listen, how about we talk to my parents and see if you can live with us?" I nodded. We got back to school. Bruno, Chris, Wilbur, and Elmer went somewhere. I and Boots went to our dorm. Boots got in the shower. I blasted music and started to dance around. The song 'To My Parents' came on

I sang along. Soon it stopped. I looked and seen Bruno and Boots. "Why'd you stop it?" I asked. "um the Fish needs us." Bruno said. We walked to his office. We walked in. "Alison, Bruno, and Boots. Sit." we all sat down. He sighed. "So, I'm aware that you guys are close friends," he said. We nodded. "and Alison you pranked them at 6 am?" I giggled a little and laughed. Bruno smacked my arm. "ow." I said. "anyway. This is your warning no more pranks or your separated." he said. "wait. I'm sorry. One more chance. Then you're separating us?!" I asked. "but sir, this is only our 2nd year." I said. "2nd year? This is your first year here though?" Bruno said. "I'll feed you later. But sir, I can't go home. My parents let my brother mentally and physically abuse me. Why do you think I'd rather come here then another place." I said already crying. "these boys, along with Chris, Wilbur, and Elmer are my only friends here. Yea I have Chip and uncle Hartley, but they're not here." I said. He sighed. "Look, Alison, I know. But for the school financial problems that'll have to happen." I got up and stormed out. I went outside and sat at a tree. I was trying to calm down but couldn't. S female teacher I've never seen came over. "Hello, I'm Mrs. Scrimmage. You are?" I took a deep breath. "Alison Ashcraft. The only girl that goes to the hall." she nodded. "you're having a breakdown. Here breath with me." she started to help me calm down. I did. "thank you Mrs. Scrimmage." she nodded. "if you need me. Tell Headmaster Sturgeon." I nodded she left. I went back to my dorm. The other 2 were waiting on their beds. They saw me. "your brothers mentally AND physically abuse you!?" Bruno yelled. "YEA! SO WHAT!? NO ONE CARES!" I yelled back. We started to argue. "GUYS! STOP!" Boots yelled. I gave him a look. "if we wanna stay roommates then we need to get along the best." he said. I went to my side. I started to pack my stuff. "Where are you going?" Bruno asks. "away from you." I said. I grabbed my bag and went to Chris's room. I knocked. No answer I went in. He saw me. He smiled. "can I stay here for a little." I asked. He nodded. I set my stuff down and sat down. He wrote down if I wanted tea. "yes, please. Thank you." he gave me some. I sighed.

Skip a week.

It's morning. I just woke up. I changed into a pair of ripped jeans with fish netting under. I got a green hoodie crop top on. I put my hair in a ponytail. I didn't wear any makeup. I still haven't talked to Bruno. Me and Chris walked to our first class. Bruno and Boots were there. I walked past them and sat down in the back. Boots got up and grabbed Bruno. He walked back. "Alison come on. We're going to the fish." I rolled my eyes and walked with them. We got to the Fish's office. Boots pushed Bruno into the far right chair. I sat in the far left one. Boots sat in the middle. "May I ask what's going on?" Stergona asked. "These two got into a big fight a week ago and haven't talked. Alison's staying at Chris's. They haven't talked. He won't even talk to me cause he's always with me." The fish sighed. "What was the fight about. Alison." "I was having a mental breakdown. Mrs Scrimmage calmed me down then I went to my dorm. I walked in and Walton immediately started yelling at me for not telling him that my-" Bruno cut me off. "what do you mean by him?"i rolled my eyes." I told boots. Anyway because I didn't tell him that my brothers mentally and physically abused me. Then I packed my stuff and went to Chris's. I've been staying there since." he called someone. A few minutes later Mrs. Scrimmage came in. "Hello. So Alison and Bruno were fighting. About what?" I rolled my eyes. "Alison didnt tell Bruno that her brother mentally and physically abuse her so they got in a fight and hate each other now." Boots said. "oh boy. Well, Bruno, she is a girl. And I know Alison. She doesn't like to show her emotions. So there must of been a reason for her not telling you." she looked at me. "because I actually love my family, even if they don't love me. And I'm not one to show my emotions so I knew if I told you I would cry. I showed Boots that day, on our way back to the school. I was looking at my scars on my wrists. He didn't make a huge deal about it. I knew he wouldn't. But I knew you would. And when you found out, you did." I said. He looked very shocked, but also sad, "Alison, I'm sorry. I was overreacting. I just thought that you didn't trust me." I chuckled. "I trust you, you just can't be a drama queen." he nodded. "OK, get back to classes." the fish said. We walked out. We were all talking and laughing. "OK so, you were here last year?" Bruno asked. I nodded. "I was just taught everything in my dorm. And my dorm was next to Mrs. Davis' office." they nodded. We went to class and sat next to each other. I was in the middle. We went through the day normal, well normal for us. A few pranks here and there. It was after classes. I was getting my stuff from Chris' dorm. I walked back to my original dorm. I put my stuff up. "good to be back." I said. "oh Alison. Look what we made." Bruno did something and 3 blenders popped up. One with each of our names. "You guys can call me Beth. I'm Alison Beth Ashcraft." I said. "the 3 B's" Bruno said. We all laughed. "Good to have you back, Beth." I smiled. "Group hug!" Bruno said. We got in a group hug. We separated. "let's make a promise. Throughout these years we're here, always best friends. No matter what. Let's sign a contract." I said. I wrote down out promise on a paper. We all signed it. "No breaking a promise. A promise is forever." I said. "If we break the promise. There will be no more the 3 B's." Bruno said. I nodded. We all sat and talked. Soon Elmer, Chris, and Wilbur came in. "wait, when did she come back?" Elmer asked. "after classes." I said. They nodded. Boots looked at Bruno. Bruno nodded. Bruno, Elmer, Chris, and Wilbur left. "why'd they leave?" I asked. He stood up. He extended his hand. I grabbed it and he helped me up. "Wanna go on a walk?" he asked. I nodded. We went outside and walked. I then realized we were still holding hands. I blushed. "So, Alison, I want to tell you somethin." he said. "OK." I said to him. "well, um, here we go." he chuckled. I giggled the little. "OK, I like you Beth, I like you a lot. I have since day one. I don't know what it is, it's just, I don't know." he said. I smiled. "I like you to Boots." I said. He smiled, "Beth, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked. "yes I will." I said smiling. I walked away. I went York. I seen Chip. I ran to him and jumped on his back. He pushed me off. I hit the floor hard. I heard a crack. My arm broke. I was silently crying. I walked backv to The Hall. I walked in my dorm. I seen Bruno and Boots. "will on if you check my arm?" I asked. Boots came over. He pushed on it a little. I whined. "what happened?" he asked. "I went to go visit Chip. I jumped on his back but he pushed me off. I fell on my arm." I said. He picked me up. He carried me to the Fish's office. "Sir, Beth broke her arm." he nodded. He called someone. He hung up. "what happened?" he asked "Chip. I went to go hang with him. I jumped on his back and he pushed me off. I landed on my arm. I think it's broke. And I think I twisted my ankle or something." I said. The fish nodded. "Boots you go with her in the ambulance." he nodded. We heard sirens. Some paramedics came in. "Alison Ashcraft." Boots carried me to the ambulance. We got in. I had to sit on a stretcher. They checked my arm. It was broke. And my ankle was twisted. "OK so how did this happen?" a parametric asked. "I was going to hang out with my cousin Chip Hartley, I jumped on his back and he pushed me off." I said. They nodded. We got to the hospital. They brought me in and gave me a cast and brace. Soon we went back to the school and to our dorm. "I hate this." I said. Bruno was laughing. "just cause I have a cast doesn't mean I can't hurt you." I said. "try." I found a perfume bottle. I smirked. "here" I sprayed perfume all over. They were coughing. Then I threw the bottle at Bruno. "yup I'm never testing you again." Bruno said. They had their noses covered with their shirts. "I'll just carry perfume around now." they groaned. "the smell will be gone in an hour or 2." I said. "were leaving for that long." Bruno said. I got up and followed them. We got out and they took their shirts off their nose's. We walked around. After a few hours we walked back. The smell was gone so the boys sat on their beds. I layed on mine. I got my phone out. I got text. It was Andrea. We texted for a little. "who you texting?" Boots asked. "my bff Andrea." I said. She face timed me. "Hey!" I said. We talked for hours. "Can you just hang up!" Bruno said. "I have perfume." I said. "Never mind." he said. Me and Andrea laughed. "wait, why don't I ask Sergon if you could come over this weekend! You totally have to see what I have to deal with. There's Bruno the guy who always plans everything, Boots he's the I honestly don't know, there's Elmer small science kid, Wilbur he eats everything in sight, and Chris, he doesn't talk, well until he sleep and he has a very thick British accent, but when hes awake he draws to talk." I said. We talked for a little. "ANDREA GET DOWN HERE!" I heard her dad say. "bye." she hung up. I got changed into a sweatshirt crop and shorts. I leyed down and fell asleep.

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