Chapter one: first day at an all boys school

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inko pov

i walked to my daughter's room to wake her up, i opened her door to see her already dressed inko: well i'm happy your ready for your first day, come and eat breakfast, izumi: ok mom i walked downstairs and made izu breakfast i gave izu her jacket and bookbag i gave her a kiss on the forehead an said goodbye after she left the i cleaned around the house, i laid down in my bed and started watching movies

izumi pov

i started walking to school i had my best friend uraraka with me but we don't go to the same school she goes to ua's all girls school i have to go to the all boys ua school but i'm happy she gets to do her dream any way i hugged uraraka and said goodbye some time later i was at the entrance of the school i walked in i felt people giving me confused looks a boy with half red half white hair grabbed my arm and turned me around a little blush appeared on both of our faces he asked me why i came in we both started walking to class while i explained why i was in the school todo: what's your name izu: i'm izumi midoriya but you can call me izu todo: ok izu, im shoto todoroki but you can call me todo izu: ok

todoroki pov

izumi is really cute me and izu walked to class is stopped her before she could open the door to warn her about mineta todo: you should be careful of mineta he's the one with purple/black hair izu: ok thanks for telling me todo: no problem i walked into the class i sat next to deku, some time later some people came in kirishima(kirishima bakugou and todoroki are childhood friends) came in he sat next to deku with a blush i started to get jealous as kirishima tried to get closer to deku till bakugou slammed his hand on kirishima's desk witch made deku jump bakugou saw and said sorry

izumi pov

i could tell that todoroki didn't like kirishima that close to me, after school my first day was better than what i thought todoroki kirishima and bakugou i think it was asked to walk me home, i saw all three of them yelling at each other they were so caught up at yelling at each other they didn't see me walking to them izu: excuse me todo: sorry we got distracted izu: i know kiri: well shouldn't we get going izu: yes we all started walking to my house 15 minutes later we arrived at my house i got my keys from my book bag and i opened the door i heard two pears of foot steps when i walked into the kitchen with kiri todo and kacchan behind me i saw all might( his human form not his hero form) and my mom

inko: hey izu, how was school izu: good, these's are my friends kirishima todoroki and bakugou inko: ok me and toshinori will be cooking izu you and your friends can go to your room ok izu: ok mom we all walked upstairs my room wasn't girly my walls and ceiling were green i had some all might stuff one my dresser and some all might posters on the walls the only girly things was my big vanity with my make up in it and some of clothes were girly other than that i had no girly stuff for real we all sat on my bed and watched tv till my called us for dinner after dinner kiri todo and kacchan left i took a hot shower got dressed into some black shorts and a green tank top

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