91 6 4

-jimin pov

'Your Package has been delivered' was the message blaring through my phone, and I could feel myself smiling like an idiot. I don't remember ever being this excitement for a package, but I guess I never ordered something like this.

So thrilling, so different, and what some may call modern— or a waste of time.

Everyone has their own opinions, and my thoughts on this is that it's pretty cool, and if I can get ahold of one. Why not get it?

I walk across my apartment, and head to the mailroom which is only about 5 or so levels down, out of the 30-story building.

I open it up, and take out the large package stored inside, smiling widely as I carry it slowly to the elevator. This thing is heavy, not that I can't hold it, but I didn't expect it to be this heavy.

I practically kick down my door once arriving at my apartment, while holding the box in my tight grasp.

Carefully, I set it on my bed with a light thump and a minimal bounce on the bed. I set my phone down, play light music to lift the mood a little. I tear the box open with scissors carefully, luckily managing to not cut myself.

I put together the thing, reading through the instructions thoroughly to make sure it's, well, perfect. I sigh, going onto my laptop to create an account.

On what exactly?

A virtual reality game.

Where you..






Everything, like real life, just like another world in our own.

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