Chapter Twelve

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Why is it so hard to stay up when you have something to do. This is the third time I almost fell asleep. I found a spot under a tree. Watching the roads. I found it odd that the demons didn't roll the streets. I've watched tons of movies to where creature haunt at night. After about fifteen minutes I heard rustling in the bushes. When I looked it stopped. Then I turned my head away I heard it again. I got up to investigate. When I got near the bushes, I saw red eyes.

I backed away slowly, but the eyes moved forward. Then whatever it was lunged at me. I wasn't able to see what it was until I was on the floor. I was a girl she looked around sixteen. But, she had horns. Holy Mother its a demon. I yell at the top of my lungs. Until some else came out the bushes.

"Samantha, Samantha get your butt over here. RIGHT NOW!!!" another female came out the bushes. She was a white-American blonde headed girl. The female 'Samantha' I guess got off of me and her horns somehow disappeared. She was brown-skinned African-American with curly puffy hair. She was a little taller than the other girl. 

"Hey champ you good?" The white female asked as she lent me her hand. I accepted her hand as she pulled me up. "Yeah, I'm fine." I dusted off my pants then looked at the other female. "Just watch her she seems out of control." The one called 'Samantha' looked back at me and growled making me flinch a little. "Oh no, she's fine. She thought you were going to harm her" she reassured me. I let out a breath of relief. "So is she" I tried speaking. "Oh no, she's not all demon. Shes half, like a hybrid"a hybrid? "How did you find her?" 

"I found her in an abandoned lab facility looking for scraps. She was covered in blood and a bluish reddish chemical. She was crying for help. She can't really talk but she tries." Samantha turned around and said. "I should've kill you where you stand" I found that adorable because she had a British accent, but felt scared because of her remark. All the other girl did was chuckle.

"Om Aaliyah by the why" she lifts up a hand, I take it and shake our hands with a firm grip. "Alex" I say back to her. "Well, champ we better get going see you around." Then I got an Idea. "You could always stay you know, it's too dangerous." I didn't want them to get hurt, even though I didn't know them. "We could use a place to crash." Samanthas eyes go wide. "We sleep with mortal so he kill us?" She half yelled. "He won't kill us Sam we will sleep then leave"

"Aish, you human stupid"

(Btw This is what  the girls looked like and white they were wearing.)


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(What she's wearing)

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(What she's wearing)



(What she's wearing minus the smoke and face)

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(What she's wearing minus the smoke and face)

(What she's wearing minus the smoke and face)

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Glyph *Into The World Unknown*Where stories live. Discover now