Chapter Twelve

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Nera stood in the doorway to Iris's room, watching as the Assassin paced back and forth, tears in her eyes. The girl had been distraught since her discovery that she was fighting those that used to be her friends.

"Nera... I can't do it," she said.

"Iris, I'm not, and never will, force you to fight," Nera replied.

"They're my friends, Nera. We can't fight them," Iris finally sat down on her bed.

"They're the enemy. The Ender Watcher, she killed my father. You were there, right with me," Nera sat beside her.

"I know, but... Rain? Abigail? They didn't do anything. They don't deserve this," Iris said.

"Maybe you're right, Iris, but we don't have another choice. It's this, or let General Naeus walk all over us after he's done with them," Nera replied.

"Why not work with them?"

"Because, they'll just stab me in the back once the skeleton General is gone."

"They won't! I know they won't! Not with Rain in charge!"

"You think this is the first time I've been here, Iris?"


"It's not. My old parents controlled a settlement out in the desert. Someone comes along, asking for protection from bandits. We let them inside, and they took shelter with my parents. Shot them dead as soon as the bandits were gone. As night fell, they found me, but Father had found me first. The town was a massacre as he fought to protect me."

"Nera, I'm... I'm sorry. I'm sorry you went through that, but they're different. I promise you, they're different. They just want to survive," Iris tried.

"Do they, Iris? Or have they just been deceiving you, too?" Nera asked, standing up again.

"I... I don't know..." the Assassin relented.

"I know you call them your friends, but they had aim to kill Father, and they're the ones who called upon the Matriarch to finish the task. I'm sorry, but that makes them the enemy," Nera said, placing a hand on the girl's shoulder.

"You're right, Nera. I do call them my friends," Iris replied, looking the Daughter of the Undead right in the eyes.

"If you wish to align with them, I will allow you to leave. You're my friend, Iris, and I want you to be happy, even if that means you become my enemy," Nera looked away from her friend.

"I just don't... don't want any more fighting," Iris's voice began to shake as her mask of confidence began to fall. 

"I don't either, but humans will always fight. The only way to prevent it is to kill them," Nera replied, still looking away from Iris.

"Maybe you're right, Nera. Maybe there... maybe there will be no end to war. B-But we can at least end it quickly if we worked with them," the Assassin continued to try and negotiate.

"Iris, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that you ended up like this. But I can't bring myself to do this."

"T-Then... then this is goodbye, Nera. Maybe if... if you change your mind... come find me."

"Iris, please... please don't go."

"I'm sorry, Nera," Iris said, and before Nera could react, Iris teleported away, and ran off into the snow.

The snow began to pick up around her, and the Assassin knew she'd picked the wrong time to leave. A blizzard was coming, and she was going to be trapped in it, but she couldn't very well go back and face Nera again, so she trudged on, her sights locked on the small speck in the distance that was the Dreadfort. As the storm picked up, she lost sight of the fortress, and then lost sight of everything. The wind was freezing, and she was blinded by the snow. Her legs felt weak, but onward she went, set on reaching the castle.

"I... have to... make it..." her voice shook as she shivered. Iris made it a couple more kilometers before collapsing into the snow, unmoving and cold. Her vision darkened, and she fell unconscious.

Meanwhile, the Frostbourne were having a meeting in the war room to discuss their next move.

"I see all who were summoned are present," Rain began, "so we can begin."

"What is the purpose of this meeting, sir?" Gabriel asked.

"To discuss our next move against the Nether Horde's forces. We dealt several blows to them during your rescue, Angel, but we need to decide how we're going to act on that," Rain explained.

"With all due respect, sir, we don't have the manpower to continue in all-out war with them right now," Abigail said.

"I know that. We don't need to field every man we have in order to take them down all at once," Rain replied, Abigail leaning back into her seat.

"Sir, my people could easily strike key points if we are provided with gear," Cora offered.

"If the Mercenaries could free our enslaved Endermen, it would bolster our forces greatly," Ceris added.

"Do you think you could manage that, Cora?" Rain asked.

"Most certainly. I would, however, like to request the assistance of Azura and the Angel," Cora looked over at the sky fighter.

"I would be honored to assist you, Coraline," Gabriel said.

"Then you will be working together to free the Endermen. You'll leave in two days for the operation," Rain said, and the members of the meeting nodded in agreement.

Everyone present left the meeting, and began preparing for the upcoming operation. Gabriel stopped Cora in the hallway. "Coraline."

"Yes, Angel?" she replied.

"Might I suggest bringing the dragon girl with us?" he asked.

"She would be a good ally, but I worry she isn't what she seems," Cora argued.

"Then we'll keep our eyes on her."

"She's your problem, not mine."

"Got it, Chief."

Gabriel walked out onto a balcony, where the dragon girl just happened to be. He jumped with surprise, but composed himself.

"Ender, was it?" He asked, and she jumped.

"Yeah. Did you need something?"

"You're coming with us on a mission in a couple days."

"Oh. Really?"

"Yeah. Shall we go for a quick flight, see how your wings have healed up?"

"In this weather?"


"Not at all. Let's go!" Ender jumped off the balcony, flying off into the storm.

Gabriel took off as well, following close behind. He chuckled, ducking into the trees, taunting the Zizo girl playfully as he weaved between them. She laughed in return, diving down and getting behind him. He flew close to a tree, almost grazing it, showing off as almost a challenge. Ender, accepting his challenge, flew even closer, just barely missing the tree. Suddenly, she stopped, seeing something in the snow. She flew closer to investigate, and gasped. Gabriel landed next to her, seeing a human figure freezing in the snow. He knew her, as well.

"That's... that's the Assassin."

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