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Saku, the real Saku, let go of the girl. Her corpse fell to the ground. 

"Is she going to be okay for this experiment?" He asked. 

"We've done it with people in worse condition." She stated. And this was true, people who have had entire organs removed or  destroyed have reanimated quite well, mentally at least. They died again soon after, but they're not the targets. He grabbed the girls wrist gingerly not wanting to leave bruises. They want her to feel as little pain as possible when she wakes up. If she wakes up, that is. Placing her body into the black bag they brought, dragging it to his car. Tsunu hopped onto her horse, actually named Ray, riding of from the scene of the crime.

As he drove through the mountains back to his estate, he questioned why he wanted this so much. Was the murder of the dozens of people, by his hands, worth the goal he was trying to get? Well, it's his daughter, his little girl. He will be there for her until there isn't anything there.

And her will get his daughter back, no matter how many people die.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2020 ⏰

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