FuKc!!! { bakugou}

458 11 1

( I don't know the fucking date )

He was in my class the only thing keeping me alive and the person I bully izuku midoriya.


Today was fucking exhausting it took two hours to get out my bed * I think it a new record * + my room was messy as shit. I got to school at about 30 mins before lunch which meant I had to watch other people eat whale I starved myself. Fun . it not like I think I am fat it just ......... I don't deserve food I don't deserve anything after what I did to izu, I don't how much longer I can live with this guilt. Oh, diary forgot to mention this but I saw the nerd cutting himself. I bullied my only light in this world into harming himself. Shit, I am crying. Maybe if I cut my self I can feel a small amount of pain he does. Ya, I get some blaze, disinfects and bandages. I'll bleed like you izu.

I just cut myself for the first time, damn. I don't know how to describe it; it like letting your feeling flow out. It hurts, but I know it will only thing I will be thinking about when I see face.

My death wish is he stops hating himself and hates me instead.

dear diary // Depressed Bakugou X Suicidal Deku//Where stories live. Discover now