Mayan Lover, A Time Travel Novella

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Mayan Lover, A Time Travel Romance


Wendy S. Hales

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Mayan Lover © 2012 Wendy S. Hales All rights reserved

ISBN: 978-1476121925

Mayan Lover available at Amazon, Barnes & noble, Smashwords and Kobo

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Cover Design by Kelli Ann Morgan,

Editing by Alisa Carter, The Professional Editing Edge,

Formatting by Bob Houston eBook formatting,

Chapter One

The further his feet took him through the village, the more his stomach knotted. His path had been dictated by the position of the earth, moon, and planets at the moment of his birth. As the Journeyer, he'd prepared for this night all of his life. It didn't make the future any less inundating.

"Did you hide it well, my son?" His mother stood beautiful and proud at the entry to the sweat lodge.

"Yes, mother. I will be able to find it at the end of my Journey." Arka noted the moisture his mother quickly blinked away. It had taken Arka ten years to lovingly create the detailed skull offering from the raw amethyst-colored quartz crystal his mother had gifted to the Goddess of Moonlight.

His mother pursed her lips, though her chin had a slight quiver. "You are sure it will remain safe?"

He pulled his mother into a hug. "I must trust the gods to keep it safe now."

"Did you speak with your sister?" His mother held the embrace.

He nodded sadly with his chin resting on his mother's hair. The goodbye with his beloved little sister was still fresh in his mind; Gia had wrapped her small arms around his neck when he'd squatted down to look in her ten-year-old, tear-streaked face. "I don't want you to go, Arka," she had cried. "How come the gods can't send someone else's brother?"

"It's my destiny," he had explained for the hundredth time. "Gia, you will have many children. Tell them of me; keep me with you in your memories, as I will keep you." He kissed her cheek. "I love you, sister."

His mother sighed sadly and clung to him tightly a few more minutes, and then she pushed his chest, squared her shoulders, and dipped her head. "I bid you good Journey. You carry the weight of the gods' bidding, but also the love of your mother..." Her voice broke and trailed off.

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