Odette -10

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Song of the Chapter: Collide by GoRadio


Honestly, I'm glad that break is over. I couldn't take all the fuss over Thanksgiving and everyone freaking out. It made me freak out, feeling so uncomfortable; mostly because I couldn't really spend it well myself. Thanksgiving dinner was a failure. Now we're back at school, but I don't know whether I should say that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Reluctantly, my dad got called in early to work this morning so he couldn't pester me about driving me to school. Mother couldn't do it since she's still in New Hampshire on business. Also my dad couldn't force my brother to drive me since he recently got a job at a recording studio in upstate New York. So I could finally walk to school peacefully and alone.

Well I thought I could. My hopes were ruined when Ron's car passed me by on the way to school.

I was walking down the steep hill a couple blocks away from the school when a beat up, faded yellow '97 Chevelle SS slowed to a stop near me. When I got closer to the car, the driver rolled down his window and I noticed it was Ron.

I haven't spoken to Ron since our little "adventure" on Black Friday. I'll admit was great to spend it with someone, but I ended up feeling guilty as soon as I got home. Being with Ron that night gave me a feeling that I've been missing for a long time. It was as if the missing puzzle piece had returned to me once again.

But then I started to think about Liam, again. I had almost forgotten about it. If it wasn't for my locket I wouldn't have thought about Liam. I would have broken my promise to him. That guilt kept eating me up inside so I decided to stay away Ron for a little while.

"Do you need a ride?" Ron asked me.

I shook my head and continued my way.

"You still have a long way to go on foot. I don't mind driving you," he shouted from behind.

I kept on walking, trying to mind my own business. Thoughts of that night with Ron kept popping back into my head: the way he was so playful with his brother, the way he laughed, the clumsy way he danced, the way happiness always shone in his eyes, the way he smiled at me, the way he blushed when we were at Aéropostale- stop it! Odette you can't keep having these thoughts! You made a promise to Liam. The more you think about Ron, the more likely that you'll start to forget about Liam and you can't let that happen.

I repeated that thought in my head, but the low hum of car distracted me. I turned to my right to see Ron's car slowing driving by my side.

"You didn't want me to drive you, but that doesn't mean I can't drive by you". He smirked and accompanied me to the school.

I won't hide the fact that I appreciate Ron's company but it's too much. I'm still not over Liam. I don't think I have enough strength to move on and I don't even know if I should move onto Ron. Wait- do I like Ron? No, no I can't. Stay away from Ron and you'll be fine. Just avoid him, you've done it before. How hard can that be?

As soon as we got to the high school, I didn't stop and wait for Ron. I ran straight into the school to my first period class.

No one was in the classroom yet, so I sat in my chair and put on my headphones. Scrolling through my music library, I picked Collide by GoRadio. When the song reached the chorus, the first bell had rung. The teacher and other shortly arrived. As late as usual, Ron had finally come into the classroom.

"Good morning class and welcome back from Thanksgiving break," greeted the teacher. "I'm too lazy to waste my breath so I'll get straight to the point. You guys will be doing a project on chapter twelve from the textbook involving the John Marshall court cases. I will be assigning the pairs and what court case you'll be covering. You will present the assignment together in packet form. The format is explained in this packet that I'm about to hand out. For the actual presentation, it should be no longer than fifteen minutes. So you all better do well on this because it counts as forty-five percent of your midterm grade". Oh great.

Hopefully I don't get partnered with one of the class jerks. Actually I wouldn't mind that. They wouldn't have to pester me about doing the work. They'd just let me do it on my own. I prefer to work alone anyway.

"Covering the Dartmouth vs Woodward case will be Mr. Ron Allen and Ms. Odette Baron". You have got to be kidding me.

The history teacher continues to read off the other names. Suddenly I hear whisper-shouting my name, "Odette!"

I look up to see Ron- I scowl. So much for avoiding him. "Ready to do this project?" He grins a little.

I weakly smile back and bury my head in my arms. Why me? I think to myself. My plan to avoid Ron has officially been foiled. Now I have to face him for more than the required amount of school hours and actually have to work with him. Life is not fair...

Class drags on for another fifty minutes until the next bell. Before I could dash out of the room, someone pulled on my arm. It was Ron.

"So do you want to exchange phone numbers so we can work on this project?" He perkily asks even though his action of  awkwardly scratching the back of his neck contradicts his true emotion- nervousness. His face turned a bright pink. I took his phone to quickly type in my number and run out of the room trying to avoid him as much as possible now that we're project partners.

"When do you want to start working on the project?" I heard Ron shout from behind me.

Hesitant at first, I slowly walked back to Ron. "Meet me at park gate in front of the Museum of Natural History at four. We can work on it at the cafe next to it," I said in a quiet voice. He didn't reply but nodded his head.

Guess we're history partners now...

So I decided to rewrite this chapter cause the story isn't turning out the way I wanted it to. Don't be alarmed when you see a lot of changes and stuff happening to this book cause I'm planning to rewrite a lot of it. Please be patient with me.

Also please check out my new story Sweetie. It's about this seventeen year girl with a huge crush on this guy and they have a supposedly funny relationship. But it's not much of a romantic comedy book because it's also very serious since it takes on realistic events. It takes after my life so it's pretty personal. That book will be updated more often than this one.

Thank you to all my readers for giving me over 400 views on this story. I really love you all. I'll try to update this one very soon.

Btw what do you think about Ron and Odette's relationship so far? They really collide don't they?

~virobix27 :D <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2015 ⏰

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