Chapter 1: How I met mine

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Best Friends

Chapter 1: How I met mine


It was the summer of 2009, I was 10 back then. I was all alone at the park sitting on a bench, watching other kids playing with their friends at the playground. I wasn't the playful and fun type, I was adviced not to play too much, because i have asthma.

Other kids were afraid to be-friend me, it's not like i could get them sick, it's just that I bore them and they are afraid to see me coughing. It's kind of obvious that maybe, just maybe, they don't want to have ties with me, so if I disappeared they don't have to cry, some might felt bad but majority won't mind at all.

I always spent my time on drawing, it gives me my own special world that others have from playing with their friends. I grabbed my pencil and notebook then looked for something inspirational to draw, they will remember the toys and friends they have met, and all I have is this. It can't be stopped, I'm envious of them.

I grabbed my headphones and put them on. I started to draw when I saw an old man with an old lady, feeding the ducks and holding hands, I'm a bit proud that I have improved since the first I grabbed a pencil.

"That look so cool." A girl around my age said behind me.

"Thanks." I answered shyly.

"Why so lonely?" She asked me, sitting beside me. She licked one of her ice cream, where did she bought that?

I shrugged my shoulders. "I prefer to draw and have a peaceful mind." I looked away, "Besides no one wants to be my friend." I continued drawing.

"I could be a friend." She said, and I looked up.

"Why so persistent?" I asked her, "Shouldn't you play with them?" I asked her, pointing the kids with my pencil's eraser.

"I don't like seeing people all alone, it reminds me of..." She stopped and smiled a bit, "Anyways, here." She grinned, giving me the other ice cream she hasn't licked.

"For real? You don't even know me." I said.

"Yes for real." She gave it to me, which i haven't grabbed yet. "My name's Alyson Greene. Now you know what my name is." She smiled and finished her Ice cream. "Don't you want it? It's cookies and cream." 

I accepted it and smiled, "Zayden Brooks." 

After talking, laughing, and drawing with her, my babysitter called out my name, "Zayden! Let's go home, your Mom called." She said. That's new, were they back from their trip?

"Uhm... Hey Alyson. I got to go." I smiled sadly.

"See you later, Zay." She held up her pinky finger and tilted her head at the side.

"See you." I hooked my pinky finger with her's. After that short second, we both let go, she turned her back and left. She's somehow different from all others who'll wait, I guess she's always like that.

Then I started to grab my things and put it in my bag.

That day, I met a friend.

What I did not expect was to meet her again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2014 ⏰

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