Chapter 4

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Singto woke up alone, with all his bones and muscles aching. Singto replayed the events of the previous night in his mind, but where was Krist? Could it all have been a dream? He wondered and couldn't help feeling a little relieved at the thought. He couldn't believe that Krist would really stand there for him without worrying about his past mistakes. But at the same time he couldn't help a little disappointment creep in which he resolutely pushed out. 'No, I can't let him in. I have to go back to being the cold, ruthless Singto everyone knows. I have to keep hating him, I can't let him break down my walls.' He gave himself a little prep talk. "Oh you are up?" Krist walked in with food, flashing a bright smile which made Singto's heart stop. All the prep talk he had given himself went out through the window as he realised that Krist had already broken down his walls. He internally groaned, he was screwed. 'Oh treacherous heart!' Singto thought to himself.

Aloud, he said "What are you doing here? Don't you have class?" He tried to maintain an even and emotionless voice. Krist saw what Singto was trying to do, pushing him out again, trying to lock himself in. 'Like hell I am gonna let you do that.' Krist thought to himself. "Well I skipped class." He said aloud. Singto's eyes widened. "You didn't have to do that. I can take care of myself you know." Krist rolled his eyes. "Yeah sure you can. You nearly died last night. So no chance I am leaving you alone." 'Not now, not ever.' He added in his mind. Singto grimaced. "Well about last night, are you sure you can handle me being a mu..." "If you call yourself a murderer again I will murder you right now." Krist cut in. Singto opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted again, "You are not a murderer... you need to stop blaming yourself. It's not your fault." Singto felt tears prick his eyes and he hated how weak he felt but all he wanted right then was the warmth of Krist's body against his own. He wanted to curl up in Krist's arms and hide away from the rest of the world forever. As if understanding what he wanted, Krist walked up to him and wrapped his arms around the other boy. Singto tried to push him away but Krist held on. "You need to stop doing that, stop trying to push me away. Let me help you... I..." "You pity me, don't you? See this is why I don't want people to know about this. You think I am a vulnerable child and you think you can babysit me. I don't fucking want that. I can handle myself. Till yesterday, I was still the scary Singto. But because I let you in on my past, now you think I am weak, you want to look after me like I was a fucking child. I am NOT. I could tackle you in any duel. I DO NOT WANT YOUR GODDAMN PITY! I am strong enough. Do you understand?" Singto nearly roared his words out. He honestly didn't want to be pitied by anyone, definitely not by Krist. Krist sighed and cupped Singto's face. Singto tried to push his hands away but he didn't let go. Singto was about to turn his head away but Krist said, "Look at me Singto." And Singto held Krist's gaze. "I care for you. I don't doubt your abilities. I don't pity you, nor do I think you need a babysitter. But I do want to take care of you but because I honestly care about you, only you. I want to help you heal your wounds not because I don't think you can do it on your own but because I honestly want to share your pain. You have been through so much at such a young age, I can never think of you as weak. You are stronger than anyone else I know. But that doesn't mean you have to fight your demons on your own, you have carried all this burden on your own for so long, you deserve a break. It's not fair if you have to go through this on your own." Krist paused, and took a deep breath. "Let me in Singto. Let me help you , let me share your pain. Let me in baby, please." Singto's heart thumped loudly as he saw the amount of raw care and honest concern Krist had in his eyes, and he couldn't fight back his tears as he was pulled into a hug by Krist. It had been so long since someone had held him like this, like he was precious. It had been so long since he had let someone come this close to himself. He had forgotten how it felt to be loved like this, to be cared for like this. He couldn't help himself from pulling Krist in a little closer and holding him a little tighter even as his tears soaked Krist's t-shirt. Krist placed a soft kiss on his forehead and Singto smiled a little. "You are a persistent moron. You have let yourself in without my permission anyway, you asshole." Singto said as he buried his face in the crook of the other's neck, nuzzling the soft skin there. Krist wound his fingers through Singto's hair lovingly and bent his head to place a chaste kiss on the older's lips.

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