We feel in love - F.H.

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Loud ass alarm goes of* "fuck my god damn life" I said getting a pellow and smashing it in my face "good morning dear" grace said opening my door "good morning mother" I said taking of the Pellow of my face and running to hug mother "okay sweetheart you need to get change you know farther doesn't like when y'all are late" she said with a bright smile "Ik I'll be there in a bit I need to change" she said okay and left for me to get change Into my uniform

As I was running downstairs a bumped into someone "who o hey y/n" five said giving me a bright smile
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This is five my long time crush but he's also my best friend, we tell each other everything and by everything I mean how he told me he had a big crush on vanya, yeah it hurt like a bitch but I had to deal with it, I wasn't about to cry for no guy, so i did what I had to do, make him feel happy bc deep down that's what I always wanted for him. I told him that vanya looks like she has feelings for him and omg when I say that he jumps around with a huge smile in his face I mean it, it's hard for me to see him flirt but he's happy and tbh it makes me happy two
Five isn't really the nicest happiest person ever he shows a lot of attitude but when it's just me and him he just change's, he literally acts bipolar, first his mad and grumpy then his happy and then all of a sudden vanya comes and it's like we don't know him

• —————————————

"Ready for training" he said while we walk down stairs "eh I really just wanna go back to sleep" I said winning "but it-" he cut himself up once he saw vanya walking our way, oh boy this is gonna be fun, "wuss up yall" she said with a bright smile which I happily returned back "good how about you" I said looking at five to see what he was doing and he was red red as a tomato ( by the way your hand is in his shoulder resting and resting your head on your fist if you know what I mean) "five are you okay" she said looking at five concerned "u-I'm yeah I'm good what about you beautiful" he said giving her a smirk but I just hit him in the back of his head for what he said "haha I'm good anyways ima go bye see y'all later" she said walking away "bye" five just started at me pissed "why did you hit me y/n" he said taking my hand of his shoulder "bruh I told you many times to play it off cool" I said annoyed and walking away"I tried okay" he said running up to catch me " shhh" is all I said in return

After breakfast
Well the old man gave us free time witch is Surprising, so I decided to stay in my room and read my favorite book "y/n I need your help" five said jumping straight on top of me his face was right in front of mine problaly like 3 inches apart, I think my face was red as a tomato by know "I'm soo sorry y/n" he said getting of me "it's okay and how many times did I tell you to not space jump to my room, you know we have doors" I said not really mad bc 5 sec ago my crush was on top of me
"Okay okay I'm sorry" he said looking ackward asf "yeah yeah so what do you need my help with" "I need you to help me get vanya to like me" he said upset "why she likes you too" I said trying to cheer him up "no she doesn't she likes no one" he said looking more upset "okay fine but if she doesn't want anything to do with us am out"

It's been months and me and five had gotten nothing so it's clear that she really doesn't like him but I feel sooo bad

Five POV
It's been months and vanya hasn't done one single think, I mean I knew she doesn't like me and to be honest I'm starting to hate her, me and y/n did everything we could but that bitch just won't crack like damn
Anyway this months with y/n had been amazing I mean sure we are best friends but while we were trying to get vanya to like me back, me and y/n slept together not in that way y'all dirty minded, we slept together bc she was trying to make me feel better and soon we feel asleep I was spooning her but then she turned my way and once I saw her beautiful face I new that I had fallen straight for my best friend, she is literally perfect beautiful and talented how could I not see that in the first place

2days later
It's been 2days and five has been acting weird like shy, would he act shy around me.

It was training time and as we were walking out of our room I grabed five by his shoulder and yanked him in my room "five what's up with you have been way to shy lately and sometimes I don't see vanya" I said pissed
"I'm sorry okay It's been a rough week" he said avoiding eye contact "listen if vanya doesn't like you then she's missing out, your one of the best men alive and you should be proud of that" is said making him look straight into my eyes, we have been staring at each other for more than 5 seconds "fuck it" is all I hear five say, he graves you buy your collard and smashes his lips with yours
Suddenly everything stopped and it felt like there was no one that could stop us but we both pulled away not fast but slow "y/n you may not like it but I love you more than anything on this earth and I can't believe I'm saying it so late but y/n I feel straight for your knees" he said looking so happy and I was shocked out of my mind not in a million years would I thought that my best friend would like me back "five I-" "no ik you don't like me you just like me as a friend" he said making his way out of my door but I pulled him for another kiss "five I have liked you scene I was 5 and idk how you started to like me but I just wanna say that you make me the happiest girl on earth and that's saying something" I said looking so happy "y/n do you wanna be my girlfriend" he said and does words made me feel like I couldn't breathe what the actual f did just happened "you don't have to act twice" I said and kiss him in his lips "so is that a yes" he said looking deep in my eyes "of course"

After that y'all both were punished for not getting to training on time, but other than that y/n nd five lived happy life

Author note:
Y'all I really don't know what this is it sounds way to cringe, for me it sounds like a telenovela idk how but it does
Also sorry for bad spelling I'm just in a rush

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2020 ⏰

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