Chapter 9

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Two days later...

Lothal Space Deck

"Here they come," Hera exclaimed with Zeb, Chopper, Jacen, Kallus, his wife Tora, and their two boys Tallen and Rush, Rex, AP-5, Ketzu, Sabine's Mother, Father, and brother Tristan, Hera's father Cham Syndulla, Governor Izati, Mrs. Sumar, and Jai with his wife, Sarai, and daughter, Morgan in his arms. She could not wait to see Ezra again in person. She missed him so much all these years, and she knew that Zeb and Chopper did too, as well as the rest of Lothal. Kanan would have been so happy to have seen this.

Ahsoka's ship

"I'm home," Ezra said quietly with the emotion of returning overwhelming him.

"Welcome home Ezra Bridger. Thought that we would land on Bay 7 for memory sake. You remember when we stole those Disrupters in this bay?" Sabine said with sentiment.

"I do. This whole place brings back memories. It's beautiful. It looks like how I pictured it before the Empire." Ezra said in awe

"Things really have recovered and grown since the Empire was destroyed." Sabine smiled. She has waited for this day for so long, and now it was here.

Lothal Space Deck

A cheer rose from the crowd as the door opened and revealed the heroes walking down to meet them. Hera and Zeb immediately went running to Ezra as soon as he set foot on the ground. Chopper blasted off and flew right into Ezra.

"It's good to see you too Chopper." Ezra laughed.

Zeb helped him up and embraced him in a brotherly, smelly Lasat hug.

"Welcome home kid." Zeb laughed.

"Zeb, can't breathe!" Ezra gasped as Zeb let him down and they gave each other a lighter hug.

"Welcome home Ezra!" Hera said as she joined in on the group hug. After recovering from hugging Ezra, they turned to Sabine and Ahsoka and gave another group hug. This was the happiest moment in their lives, to be reunited. In the distance, they heard a Loth-wolf howling.

"Welcome home Ezra," a new, but familiar, voice spoke. All of the Ghost crew turned to see who spoke and they saw Kanan. He was just a ghost, but everyone knew it was him.

"Kanan, I..." Ezra said emotionally, full of joy and sorrow.

"Ezra, I chose my path as you did. I'm so proud of you." Kanan said with a prideful look on his face.

Kanan's ghost turned to Hera. She stepped forward.

"I'm sorry for leaving you Hera. To leave you with our son alone." Kanan apologized.

"I forgive you. I love you." Hera spoke softly.

Jacen joined the group, but no one noticed until he stood next to Hera. Kanan's ghost looked down at him with longing tears in his eyes.

"Son. Just know that I love you. Always listen to your mother. Also, listen to Ezra. He will be your teacher, and he learned everything from me. I wish that I could be there for you." Kanan said sorrowfully.

"You have father, in spirit. I've always known." Jacen said with a tearful smile on his face.

"Ezra. I want you to teach Jacen the ways of the force the way that I taught you. Will you do that for me?" Kanan asked.

"I will, master."

With a peaceful look on his face, Kanan disappeared right in front of them and then everything was silent. Ezra was the first to turn back to the crowd of friends. Everyone who was on the deck cheered even louder and came rushing forward to welcome the young heroes home. The Ghost crew was together again and would be forever.


Sabine and Ezra went on to have three children, Mira, Rona, and Jonah. All the children were trained in the Jedi ways in Luke's new Jedi Academy. Sabine and Ezra continued to help those in need and when the First Order rose the Bridger/Wren family joined the resistance with General Leia Organa. 

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